
A PHP client for RedisJSON module using phpredis extension

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RedisJson with the PHP Redis extension phpredis.


Phpredis-JSON provides a full set of commands for RedisJson Module. It's built on top of the phpredis and use it as Redis client, so you can also take advantage of some of the features included in phpredis as Redis client.


Although you can issue RedisJSON commands by using some PHP Redis clients which provides you the ability to send raw Redis commands, Phpredis-JSON:

  • avoids you the task of encoding your PHP data structures to JSON before sending them to Redis and decode the JSON responses back from Redis
  • it validates JSON encode/decode and throw a proper exception in case of failure
  • provides a set of commands as methods of the RedisJSON client


  • Redis server 4.0+ version (RedisJson Module is only available from Redis 4.0+)
  • RedisJson Module installed on Redis server as specified in Building and loading RedisJSON Module
  • PHP 7.2+ with PHP Redis extension 5 installed



use Averias\RedisJson\Enum\JsonCommands;
use Averias\RedisJson\Exception\ResponseException;
use Averias\RedisJson\Factory\RedisJsonClientFactory;

// *** get a RedisJsonClient ***
$redisJsonClientFactory = new RedisJsonClientFactory();
 * creates a RedisJsonClient with default connection params:
 * [
 *     'host' => '',
 *     'port' => 6379,
 *     'timeout' => 0.0, // seconds
 *     'retryInterval' => 15 // milliseconds
 *     'readTimeout' => 2, // seconds
 *     'persistenceId' => null // string for persistent connections, null for no persistent ones
 *     'database' => 0 // Redis database index [0..15]
 * ]
$defaultClient = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient();

// creates a configured RedisJsonClient
$client = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient([
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 6390,
    'timeout' => 2,
    'database' => 15

// *** Redis JSON commands ***
$result = $client->jsonSet('people', ["name" => "gafael", "age" => 12]);
echo ($result === true ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL; // true

$result = $client->jsonGet('people'); // $result = ["name":"gafael","age":12]
echo json_encode($result) . PHP_EOL; // {"name":"gafael","age":12}

$result =  $client->jsonGet('people', '.name');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // "gafael"

$result =  $client->jsonGet('people', '.age');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // 12

// "nonexistent" key does not exist, so a ResponseException is thrown
try {
    $result = $client->jsonGet('nonexistent');
    echo $result . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ResponseException $e) {
    echo "key nonexistent does not exist" . PHP_EOL;

// *** you can also send RedisJSON command as raw commands using "RedisJsonClient::executeRawCommand"  ***
// you will send
$result =  $client->executeRawCommand(JsonCommands::SET, 'people', '.colors', '["blue", "green"]');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // 'OK'

// and receive JSON values
$result =  $client->executeRawCommand(JsonCommands::GET, 'people', '.');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // {"name":"gafael","age":12,"colors":["blue","green"]}

// *** you can also issue redis commands and use RedisJsonClient as "phpredis" client:
echo $client->hset('hash-key', 'age', 34) . PHP_EOL; // 0
echo $client->hget('hash-key', 'age') . PHP_EOL; // 34

// $ret = [true,"val1",true,"val2"]
$ret = $client->multi()
    ->set('key1', 'val1')
    ->set('key2', 'val2')

echo json_encode($ret) . PHP_EOL;


  • RedisJSON commands: please take a look to the list of phpredis-json commands
  • Phpredis commands: you can send Redis commands as specified in phpredis documentation
  • Raw commands: you can send whatever you want to Redis by using RedisJsonClient::executeRawCommand:
// raw Redis JSON command
$client->executeRawCommand(JsonCommands::GET, 'people', '.');

// raw Redis command
$client->executeRawCommand('hget, 'hash-key', 'foo');


On a local Redis server 4.0+ with RedisJSON module and Redis extension 5 installed

From console run the following command from the root directory of this project:


if you don't have configured your local Redis server in you can set REDIS_TEST_SERVER and REDIS_TEST_PORT and REDIS_TEST_DATABASE in ./phpunit.xml file with your local Redis host, port and database before running the above command.


Having Docker installed, run the following command in the root directory of this project:

bash run-tests-docker.sh

by running the above bash script, two docker services will be built, one with PHP 7.2 with xdebug and redis extensions enabled and another with the image of redislab\rejson:1.0.4 (Redis server 5 with RedisJson module installed). Then the tests will run inside phpredis-json docker service container and finally both container will be stopped.



Phpredis-Json code is distributed under MIT license, see LICENSE file