These scripts split the original video into chunks accordnig to subtitles timestamps.
Under the hood script uses ffmpeg so you will need to have that installed. Sound in 5.1 format squashes to the stereo by using the ffmpeg commands.
- FFmpeg for manipulating with video file.
- See FFmpeg installation guide for details.
- Python 3 for running the scripts.
- srt library to parse the .srt file with subtitles.
- Install it with
pip install srt
- Install it with
You can optionally burn the subtitles into the video with the following ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg -i cutted.avi -vcodec libx264 -vf'Fontsize=26' -y output.avi
Use the force_style attribute to adjust the subtitles appearance. Also see the Subtitles filter documentation and this How to burn subtitles into video guide.
As an input you should have the video and the correctly synchronized subtitles in .srt format. Please, check that before proceeding.
python .\ -i input\ -o terminator_config.csv
This makes the config file which looks something like this:
start_time | end_time | rename_to | content |
... | ... | ... | ... |
00:05:53,697 | 00:05:55,231 | video15.mpg | You clothes. |
00:05:55,299 | 00:05:56,933 | video16.mpg | Give them to me. |
00:05:57,001 | 00:05:58,301 | video17.mpg | Now. |
... | ... | ... | ... |
You should inspect the config and leave only lines you want to extract from the input video.
Using the config you can split the video now.
python .\ -f terminator.avi -m terminator_config.csv -v libx264
This splits terminator.avi
into chunks using the H.264 encoder. In case of troubles you can omit -v parameter to use the original encoder or choose different supported by ffmpeg encoder (see the list in the ffmpeg documentation).
The resulted video will be placed in the output/video folder.
- To cut the 10 seconds after the first minute
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec libx264 -ss 00:01:00 -t 00:00:10 cutted_10s.mkv
- To cut the video between two timestamps
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec libx264 -ss 00:02:00 -to 00:02:30 cutted_30s.mkv
- To rescale the video
ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf scale=1200:-1 output.avi