- druid-spring-boot Spring Boot starter for Druid
- grafana-druid-plugin This repository contains the druid plugin for Grafana 3.0
- fili Easily make RESTful web services for time series reporting with Big Data analytics engines like Druid and Hive.
- node-druid-query
- embedded-druid
- clj-druid
- incubator-zeppelin-druid
- druid-client
- druid-console
- druidlet
- yahoo-druid-extensions
- druid-hadoop-utils
- kafka-spark-streaming-druid
- tranquility
- druid-hadoop-inputformat
- sherlock
- druid-scala-client
- druid-spark-batch
- plyql
- druid-spark-batch
- druid-mdx Example of running MDX on Druid via Mondrian and Calcite
- maha
- druid-puppet Puppet module that sets up and configures a full druid cluster
- docker-druid
- druid-kubernetes
- druid-rpm
- druid-ansible
- cm-druid
- pydruid - A python client for Druid
- RDruid - An R connector for Druid
- plywood - A higher level API for Druid. An extension of the work that was started in facet.js.
- node-druid-query - A Node.js client for Druid
- clj-druid - A Clojure client for Druid
- ruby-druid - A ruby client for Druid
- druid_config - A ruby client to configure and check the status of a Druid Cluster
- druiddb-ruby - A Ruby client for Druid using the Kafka Indexing Service
- [Apache Calcite](Apache Calcite) - SQL parser, planner and query engine whose Druid adapter can query data residing in Druid, and combine it with data in other locations; has local and remote JDBC drivers powered by Avatica
- plyql - A command line and HTTP interface for issuing SQL queries to Druid
- scruid - A Scala client for Druid
- druidry - A Java Client and query generator for Druid
- Ebay Blog: Monitoring at Ebay with Druid
- Turnilo — let’s change the way people explore Big Data
- Event Stream Analytics at Walmart with Druid (2017)
- How to reduce the number of druid segments
- Druid Blog
- Druid, Imply and Looker 5 bring OLAP Analysis to BigQuery’s Data Warehouse
- Comparison of the Open Source OLAP Systems for Big Data: ClickHouse, Druid and Pinot
- Yahoo Casts Real-Time OLAP Queries with Druid (2014)
- The anatomy of a Druid segment file
- TECH TALK: AtScale, Hive, Druid: A Match Made In Heaven
- Dogfooding with Druid, Samza, and Kafka: Metametrics at Metamarkets
- Why We Chose Druid to Power CoolaData’s Real-Time Analytics
- How to reduce the number of Druid segments
- Performance evaluation between different druid roll-up levels
- Realtime Fast Data Analytics with Druid (2016)
- A Comparison of Time Series Databases and Netsil’s Use of Druid
- Introduction to Indexing, Aggregation and Querying in Druid (2015)
- The Art of Approximating Distributions: Histograms and Quantiles at Scale
- Ultra-fast OLAP Analytics with Apache Hive and Druid – Part 1 of 3
- Benchmark: Sub-Second Analytics with Apache Hive and Druid - Part 2 of 3
- How to connect Tableau to Druid - Part 3 of 3
- Using Druid to Scale Complex Queries
- How Druid enables analytics at Airbnb (2018)
- Analyze Streaming Data in About 30 Minutes with HDP and Druid (2017)
- Interactive Exploratory Analytics with Druid | DataEngConf SF (2017)
- How Superset and Druid Power Real-Time Analytics at Airbnb | DataEngConf SF (2017)
- Real Time Analytics at Scale with Druid (2017)
- Druid and Spark Together – Mixing Analytics Workflows (2017)
- Druid: Powering Interactive Data Applications at Scale by Fangjin Yang (2016)
- Jan Graßegger - Real-time analytics with Flink and Druid (2016)
- Druid for real-time analysis (2016)
- Dogfooding with Druid, Samza, and Kafka: Metametrics at Metamarkets (2015)
- Introduction to Druid by Fangjin Yang (2014)
- Druid Interactive Queries Meet Real-Time Data Eric Tschetter and Danny Yuan (2013)