
Module for Kohanaphp framework. Great redis lib for kohana

Primary LanguagePHP

Rediska (http://rediska.geometria-lab.net) module for Kohana php framework (http://kohanaphp.com)

1. Installation

git submodule add git://github.com/cheggaaa/rediska-ko.git modules/rediska
if you don't use git - move source to modules/rediska

2. Create config

Rediska config:
- copy modules/rediska/config/rediska.php to application/config/rediska.php
- change your application/config/rediska.php
On default config your have 3 instances of Rediska: default, cache, session
You can add new instance or remove exists. Option list you can see on rediska doc (http://rediska.geometria-lab.net/documentation/get-started/)

Cache config (optional):
- create group "redis" in config/cache.php
'redis' => array (
    // rediska instance name, must be exists on rediska config 
    'instance' => 'cache' 

Session config (optional):
- create group "redis" in config/session.php
'redis' => array (
    // rediska instance name, must be exists on rediska config 
    'instance' => 'session' 

3. Using

Get instance
   $rediska = Rediska_Manager::get();
   $resiska = Rediska_Manager::get('my_instance_name');
   $rediska = new Rediska($options);