AVR ISP Shield for Arduino Project

Primary LanguageC++

AVR ISP Shield for Arduino

AVR ISP Shield of Arduino
AVR ISP Shield for Arduino

This is an AVR ISP Shield for Arduino

Repository Contents

  • /Hardware - Kicad PCB .pro .sch and .brb files and PDF of Schematic
  • /Software - Arduino Sketch for Using the Board

Version History

  • V0.1 Functions well for the ATTiny85 but seem to be having problems with the ATMega328 - working on it!
  • V1.0 Fully working - has a rearrange from previous versions which avoids grounding on the USB connector on an Uno.

License Information

The hardware is released under Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0.
All other code is open source so please feel free to do anything you want with it; you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license). Also this boiler plate is yoinked from Sparkfun with thanks.