
Primary LanguageC


A 2D game engine built with C++ with Lua bindings with a builtin editor

MIT license

Lua Reference
Example Code


The project is made with Visual Studio 2022, using VCPKG. Ensure you have these dependencies before building!

Lua Reference


Registering Events

- Event.addEventListener(name:string, event:function)

Adds an event listener under the given event

- Event.removeEventListener(name:string, event:function)

Removes a previously registered event listener by reference

- Event.removeEventListenersFor(name:string)

Removes all previously registered event listeners for a given event

- Event.getEventListeners(name:string) -> [...]

Gets all listeners for a given event.

Event Names

Keyboard Events

  • on_key_press -> (key:int) - Fires when a key is pressed.
  • on_key_hold -> (key:int) - Fires while a key is held.
  • on_key_release -> (key:int) - Fires when a key is released.

Mouse Events

  • on_mouse_click -> (x:int, y:int, left:bool, middle:bool, right:bool) - Fires when clicking with a mouse
  • on_mouse_move -> (x:int, y:int) - Fires when moving the cursor
  • on_mouse_scroll -> (amount_scrolled:float) - Fires when scrolling

Rendering Events

  • on_render -> () - Fires during the render loop
  • on_gui -> () - Fires during the render loop, but after rendering the scene

Game Events

These are general purpose game loop, or scene events.

  • on_update → () - Fires during the update loop (every frame)
  • on_init → () - Fires when the scene finishes loading assets
  • on_save → () - Fires when requested to save
  • on_load → (assets:{}) - Fires when requested to load assets. The assets will be provided in a JSON-like format.
  • on_engine_exit → () - Fires before the game finishes exiting (will not occur during any crashes)
  • on_engine_init → () - Fires when the game first loads (This event must be defined in the autoexec file)


Keyboard Input

- key_to_name(keycode:int) → string

Returns a readable version of the keycode.
Example: input.key_to_name(input.GLFW_KEY_A) → "a"

- key_down(keycode:int) → bool

Returns if the supplied keycode is being held

- key_pressed(keycode:int) → bool

Returns if the supplied keycode was pressed this frame


Keycodes use GLFW's Key mappings.

In lua, you can use input.GLFW_KEY_* to get direct key references. Lua-implemented names can be found below:

KeyCode Mappings input.Key_A = 65
input.Key_B = 66
input.Key_C = 67
input.Key_D = 68
input.Key_E = 69
input.Key_F = 70
input.Key_G = 71
input.Key_H = 72
input.Key_I = 73
input.Key_J = 74
input.Key_K = 75
input.Key_L = 76
input.Key_M = 77
input.Key_N = 78
input.Key_O = 79
input.Key_P = 80
input.Key_Q = 81
input.Key_R = 82
input.Key_S = 83
input.Key_T = 84
input.Key_U = 85
input.Key_V = 86
input.Key_W = 87
input.Key_X = 88
input.Key_Y = 89
input.Key_Z = 90
TODO: paste rest of mappings!