
Simple self-hosted cloud storage

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Cloud9 (C++)

Build Status


Cloud9 is a self-hosted cloud storage for your server.

Note: C++ part of the cloud is linux-only (cross-platform GUI client is coming soon).

Getting it

There are two variants of getting the cloud:

  1. Download ready-to-use binaries from releases page.
  2. Clone the repo and build the cloud on your own.


If you want to build the cloud yourself, follow these instructions.

git clone https://github.com/avevad/cloud9-cpp
cd cloud9-cpp
cd cmake-build-release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make all
make test

Overview & installing

After building (or downloading) the cloud you will get two binaries:

  1. cloud9d - cloud server
  2. cloud9 - CLI cloud client

If you build the binaries on your own, you can install them: make install If you download the binaries from releases page, you should manually copy them to the system's binaries location.

Using CLI

Execute cloud9 -h to get CLI usage help. When in the shell, type help to get list of available commands.

Setting up server

Firstly, you need to setup the server's workspace and create a config file for the server. An example of server's workspace and can be found in sample_server directory of repo's tree. The server's workspace should contain server configuration file (config.lua). The guide through the configuration options is located at the example server's configuration file. After the workspace setup you can cd into the server's workspace and start the server with cloud9d command.