Notification Service

This is an Express-based notification service that sends push notifications to both Android and iOS devices using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd apns-fcm-notification-service
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build Typescript files:

    tsc ./index.ts
  4. Run:

    node ./index.js
  5. Place your Firebase service account key JSON file in the root directory and update the path in app.ts or index.ts.

  6. Place your APNs auth key file in the root directory and update the path in app.ts or index.ts.


Firebase Configuration

  1. Go to the Firebase Console.
  2. Navigate to your project settings.
  3. Generate a new private key in the "Service accounts" tab and download the JSON file.
  4. Save this file in your project directory (e.g., ./path/to/serviceAccountKey.json).

APNs Configuration

  1. Log in to your Apple Developer account.
  2. Navigate to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
  3. Create a new APNs auth key and download the .p8 file.
  4. Note the Key ID and Team ID.
  5. Save the .p8 file in your project directory (e.g., ./path/to/APNsAuthKey_XXXXXXXXXX.p8).