Brickfolio Landing Page - Mohammad Avez Qureshi

This project is a web page replication based on the provided Figma design for an assignment from Brickfolio Solutions Pvt Ltd. It includes various sections and interactive elements designed to match the given specifications.

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to replicate a web page layout and functionality as specified in the assignment description. The project includes the following sections:

  • Hero Section with Search Bar and Dropdown Menu
  • Trending Projects Section with Slider Animation
  • Showcase of Dream House Section with Custom Cards
  • Counter Section with Animated Number Counters


  • HTML and CSS for structure and styling
  • JavaScript for dynamic elements (e.g., dropdown behavior, slider animation)
  • Ensure responsiveness for various devices and screen sizes
  • Clean and well-commented code following best practices

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to Project Directory

    cd brickfolio-mohammad-avez
  3. Open index.html in a Web Browser

    Open index.html in your preferred web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) to view the web page.

Project Structure

The project structure contains the following files and directories:

  • index.html: Main HTML file containing the webpage structure and content.
  • assets/style.css: CSS file for styling the webpage.
  • assets/script.js: JavaScript file for implementing dynamic behavior.
  • assets/img: Directory containing image assets used in the project.


  • Swiper.js library for slider animation.
  • Boxicons library for icons.
  • Figma for design inspiration and layout specifications.


For any inquiries or issues regarding this project, please contact Mohammad Avez Qureshi 👉 Mobile : 9890562214 Email :