
Angular Wrapper over D3 Gantt

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.10.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.

To have angular continuously build the project library as you develop, run ng build ng-d3-gantt-chart --watch


Run ng build ng-d3-gantt to build the project component library. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

To publish to npm, after building, run npm publish from the dist folder.

Configuring Ng D3 Gantt Chart

Configuration Options:

  1. IGanttConfig

export interface IGanttConfig {


box_padding: number; // padding in d3 units in the box


metrics: IGanttMetrics; // describes the scale of the graph


isShowProgressBar: boolean; // whether to allow progress bars within each box


isShowGridlines: boolean; // toggle gridlines on and off


emptyText?: string; // text to display when the grid is empty


onClick: (data: any) => void; // hook for when a box is clicked




  1. IGanttMetrics

export interface IGanttMetrics {


type: 'overall' | 'quarterly' | 'sprint' | 'monthly' | 'yearly';


year?: number;


years?: Array<number>;


month?: string;


months?: Array<string>;


cycles?: Array<IGanttCycle>;




  1. Custom Units of Time

export interface IGanttCycle {


id?: number;


name: string;


start_date: string | Date;


end_date: string | Date;



  1. Structure of Data

export interface IGanttData {


id: number;


title: string;


subtitle: string;


start_date: string; // date or string


end_date: string; // date or string


completion_percentage?: number; // value to use in the progress bar




  1. Usage
<ng-d3-gantt  chartElementId="gantt-chart"  [config]="config"  [data]="dataAsync | async"  >