
A library for plotting burndown charts

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Latest Elm package version

This is an Elm package that makes it easy to create burndown charts. It is built on top of terezka/line-charts -- thanks, terezka!

Step by step

You'll need the following dependencies added to your Elm project (elm/time is needed to specify Month values):

elm install avh4/burndown-charts
elm install elm/time

To create your burndown chart, you'll need the following info about your project:

  • The name of the project. Put this in the title field.
  • The start date of the project. Put this in the startDate and baseline fields.
  • The number of story points in scope for the project. Put this in the pointsRemaining field.
  • One of the following:
    • The estimated velocity of your team. Put this in the baseline field with BurndownChart.estimatedVelocity.
    • The target release date of the project. Put this in the baseline field with BurndownChart.targetDate.

Code example: Today is April 9th, the project is starting with 8 points in the backlog, and there is a target release date of May 14th.

import BurndownChart
import Time exposing (Month(..))

main : Html msg
main =
        { name = "100 Year Starship"
        , color = Nothing
        , startDate = (2019, Apr, 9)
        , baseline =
            ( (2019, Apr, 9)
            , BurndownChart.targetDate (2019, May, 14)
        , milestones = []
        , pointsRemaining = [ 8 ]

image of the resulting burndown chart for the project setup code example

Updating the chart

At the start of each day, append the current number of points remaining to the pointsRemaining list.

Code example: On the second day of the project there were still 8 points remaining; during that day one point was accepted, so the following day started with 7 points remaining.

        { ...
        , pointsRemaining = [ 8, 8, 7 ]

image of the resulting burndown chart for the "update the chart" code example

Milestones (optional)

You can have your chart show intermediate milestones by listing them in the milestones field. Each milestone is a tuple containing:

  • the name of the milestone. (Consider using a single-character emoji for brevity!)
  • the number of points that will remain in the project after the milestone is completed.
  • the date the milestone was accepted, or Nothing if it has not yet been accepted.

Code example: Two intermediate milestones are now being tracked. (It's also now April 24th and pointsRemaining has also been updated.) The "🐣" milestone was accepted on April 22nd, and the "🕺" milestone is not yet complete.

        { ...
        , milestones =
            [ ( "🐣", 6, Just ( 2019, Apr, 22 ) )
            , ( "🕺", 3, Nothing )

image of the resulting burndown chart for the "milestones" code example