
Project Description

There are a variety of situations where people need to know occupancy or availability of a spatial resource such as study cubicles in a library, meeting areas in learning commons, or rest rooms in a stadium. The aim of this project is to use IoT technologies to address these opportunities. The envisioned solution will be system of sensors and microcontrollers networked to persist data in a database so that users can view the occupancy status using a GUI over the Internet on any standard browser. Data accumulated can then be used to drive decisions such as optimized scheduling of cleaning and sanitization services.

Suggested solution: sensors (PIR, smart plugs, smart bulbs); microcontroller (Raspberry Pi); programming language (Python); DBMS (MySQL); browsers (Chrome on desktops and Andrios, Safari on IOS). Additional details will be provided to get started on the project.

Deliverables: A functioning prototype along with fully documented design consisting of sensors and microcontroller connected to a database that can be accessed by users to view occupancy/availability of spaces in a building. Target price for each sensed location is $20 in BOM cost.


Agha Hyder
Ali Malik
Ameya Hampihallikar
Keri Nicolich
Mostafa Rahmy