Project Drugs and Info

Drugs and Info

  • Team Members

    • Avonlea Haymart
    • Noah Neighbours
    • Dominic Griffis
  • Project Description

    • Drugs and Info is a mobile-friendly, modern website that allows users to search for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Our basic functionality as of right now is to list the drug name, description, and possible side effects. The front page also displays popular New York Times articles related to these drugs.
  • APIs Used

    • New York Times API
    • OpenFDA API
  • Rough Breakdown of Tasks

    • Phase one was to make the website with basic functionality. Avonlea Haymart had focus on the website design and front-end development. Noah Neighbours and Dominic Griffis had focus on back-end development and API usage. We all collectively did API research and build the connection between front-end and back-end. This included checking code for bugs and monitoring its efficiency. Phase two was adding more functionality, such as an A-Z list of drugs, and allow for the user to save drugs and pin articles.
  • Running the Code

    • Clone this GitHub repository into a directory of your choice. git clone
    • In the root of the directory, open index.html.