Schedule and topics

Day and time Topic
Day 1 Morning Introduction to RStudio: Panes and shortcuts Building objects:
vectors, matrices, data files, lists (section 1 only)
Standards for writing a clean code
Use of packages
Hands-on with a package for meta-analysis Go to folder meta-analysis, power, and packages
Day 1 Afternoon Go to folder Read & Clean Data for both data and code
Reading data, including reading data directly from Dropbox, the WEB, and sites such as Qualtrics
Treatment of missing values
Stem-and-leaf, box-plot
Sub-setting (selecting) columns, rows
Outputting publication-ready tables to Word
Homework Importing data from Excel or SPSS to R
Checking for missing data
Exploring distributions
Day 2 Morning ifelse
Writing functions and loops
Reading help menus for built-in functions and packages
Searching help on the web
Reliability testing, building scales, creating files with scales only
Day 2 Afternoon Hypothesis testing: t-test, ANOVA, regression
Homework Running ANOVA, regressions
Preparing a scatterplot with a regression line
Day 3 Morning Regressions intermmreediate (centering, standardiztion, moderation)
Using Rmarkdown to create text and Word tables
Day 3 Afternoon Using graphics packages
Defining the shape of the graph by the user
Saving publication ready graphs as PNG or PDF

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