
As India is under Lockdown for 21 days, It is also important to take care of mental health for yourself and your family.

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How to have good mental health of self and family during isolation.

As India is under Lockdown for 21 days, It is also important to take care of mental health for yourself and your family.

  1. Make a schedule:- it may seem boring but it is a very effective way to spend your days. Wake up at fix time, Do exercise, yoga, worship, eat regularly, and don't forget to spare time for fun.

  2. Technology - to entertain yourself, for reading news, and for social media.

  3. Connectivity - Stay connected to your loved ones through social media, video chat, calls or texts.

  4. Eat well - Eat healthy food, and a balanced diet. Avoid foods that can make you sick, healthy balanced food helps keep good immunity and prevent us from risk of disease.

  5. Practice community cooperation - Help others who feel low by contacting over the phone, If anyone is sick in the family, call the emergency helpline number 108 or central helpline number for corona-virus +91-11-23978046. https://www.mohfw.gov.in/coronvavirushelplinenumber.pdf

Among 2-3 families, Only one may need to go for groceries and leave at other’s door, following social distancing.

  1. Worship - Do religious activities inside the house yourself, celebrate festivals yourself without any gathering or guests, this is also a good way for spiritual and mental health.

  2. Hobbies - Read novels, books, comics, play musical instruments, paint, draw, and any good indoor hobbies, may also start learning new skills.

  3. Bonding - Spend more time with kids, teach them and play with them. This will create strong bonds and help them also to cope up with stress.

  4. Games- Play indoor games like chess, Table tennis, badminton, pool, etc.

  5. Help, care and bond with your and nearby pets while also maintaining social distancing.

1- Dr. Shruthi Nadiga, Trained Physician, Public Health Specialist, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-shruthi-nadiga-healthcare/

2- Lakshya kumar, MBBS https://www.linkedin.com/in/lakshya-kumar-a63a2597

3- Avinash Kumar Gupta, MBBS Student and Independent Researcher. https://www.linkedin.com/in/geekydoctoravi/
