
Crowdsourced list of projects related to COVID-19 contact tracing

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

  • This site is a crowdsourced list of projects related to COVID-19 contact tracing using smartphones.
  • The goal of contact tracing is to identify the contacts of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and to advise them to self-quarantine.
  • Large scale, highly accurate contact tracing could control the spread of epidemics and reduce the need for societal lockdowns.

Tracking apps

Name and website link github sensors used volunteer signup Notes
SafePaths ???? location http://forms.gle/3fzhfJkq8kbF7uf89
CovidWatch https://github.com/covid19risk BLE https://www.covid-watch.org/collaborate
WHO App https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/ None so far https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/app/blob/master/docs/ONBOARDING.md
Hamagen, Israel MOH https://github.com/MohGovIL/hamagen-react-native/ location https://github.com/MohGovIL/hamagen-react-native/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
DEGRAT https://github.com/degregat/ppdt BLE ???
Covid-FLutter https://github.com/TheSciFiMed/Covid-FLutter location http://bit.ly/Covid-Slack

Self-reported public database

Name and website link Notes
COVID-19 Track
COVID Symptom Tracker
Coronastatus Open source project, can be launched country by country
Corona data scraper Scrapes from verified data sources

Privacy-preserving matching

Name and website link github technique used volunteer signup Notes
Enigma SafeTrace https://github.com/enigmampc/SafeTrace secure enclaves https://github.com/enigmampc/SafeTrace/blob/master/CONTRIBUTE.md
OpenMined ??? secure MPC ???

Analysis on existing big data sources

Name and website link Location Notes
Unacast US
Cuebiq Italy through "data for social good" program
Cell tower companies? US No additional details

How can this site help?

This list of projects has two benefits:

  • It can help match projects that are looking for volunteers with volunteers looking to help
  • It can help related projects find each other in order to pool their efforts and avoid duplicated effort

How to contribute

  • Submit a pull request with a line for the project filled in.
    • I will moderate for spam and inappropriate behavior before merging
    • Please make sure to use the "preview" feature in github to ensure that the formatting is correct before you submit
  • If you have suggestions for improving the information collected in the table
    • please file an issue to begin the discussion
  • If you would like to help in maintaining this site
    • please file an issue expressing interest a link to your linkedin page

Privacy policy

There is no privacy. This is a public repo and all information submitted to it is and will remain public by design. Please take this into account before submitting.