
Decentralized digital rights management application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Decentralized digital rights management application


The application demo is availble here

Warning! To use the application you need to have a Metamask browser extension installed. In the Metamask you need to connect to the Kovan Test Network.
Deployed DDRM smart contract uses the ERC-20 mintable token (NKMS compatible) as a payment instrument


  • The Look!Me application is for the content access rights selling (software, media, etc.). The payment instrument is a ERC-20 token, specified by the application owner. Each content access right has a usage time. When the right usage time ends, the user cannot access the specified content.
  • The user can view the content sold by the application owner in the web interface, where the each asset price specified in the chosen by the application owner ERC-20 tokens.
  • After the content was selected, the user can press the BUY button. It'll send two transactions to the Ethereum Blockchain, each of them should be approved by the user. The first transaction allows the smart contract to spend amount of the tokens, needed to buy the specified content. The second transaction exchanges owned by the user ERC-20 tokens to the ERC-721 content access token.
  • To buy the specified content access token user need to have the ERC-20 tokens amount on its ethereum-address (crypto-wallet), needed to buy the specified content access right.
  • After some time (determined by the current Ethereum block difficulty) the access token will appear in the user personal cabinet, with a remaining time indication.
  • So the user can buy the other content access tokens - information about all of them (label of the content to wich access is granted and remaining time) will be shown in the user personal cabinet.


To run the project locally the following dependencies required:

If you have a Git GUI client installed you can clone the repository through its interface.

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/aviacore/ddrm

# install the project dependencies
cd ddrm
npm i


Warning! To use the application you need to have a Metamask browser extension installed. In the Metamask you need to connect to the Localhost 8545 RPC.

# start the ganache
npm run chain

# deploy smart contracts to the testrpc
npm run migrate

# start the development server
npm run start


# start the ganache
npm run chain

# run the test script
npm run test:sol


List of all scripts names.
Run them by typing npm run <script> in terminal, where <script> is a name of the script to run.

script name description
build builds the whole application
build:js builds the web application
build:sol builds the smart contracts
chain starts the testrpc (ganache-cli)
console launchs the truffle console (with configured web3.js and deployed contracts instances)
lint lints all files
lint:fix lints all files and fixes code style problems
lint:js lints js files
lint:js:fix lints js files and fixes js code style problems
lint:sol lints solidity files
lint:sol:fix lints solidity files and fixes solidity code style problems
migrate deploys smart contracts to the testrpc (ganache-cli)
start builds web application and starts the development server on http://localhost:3000
test runs all tests
test:js runs js tests
test:sol runs solidity tests


Look!Me is released under the MIT License, © Kornilov S.N., 2018