
A dual channel brushless motor controller based on the RP2040 microcontroller, designed in Kicad.



A dual channel brushless motor controller based on the RP2040 microcontroller

The entire board is about the size of a credit card (same width, 10mm longer), and is designed to be fabbed using the JLCPCB assembly service.

Estimated price fully assembled from JLCPCB with 2 oz copper on all 4 layers:
5 pcs - $ 276 - $55 each
10 pcs - $ 342 - $34 each
15 pcs - $ 438 - $29 each
20 pcs - $ 502 - $25 each
50 pcs - $ 866 - $17 each
100 pcs - $ 1428 - $14 each
250 pcs - $ 3147 - $12 each

Our dream is that you will fab your own boards, make changes, and share your work - giving this design life beyond our efforts.

Designed by Taylor Alexander for Twisted Fields, for the Acorn Precision Farming Rover.

Many thanks to Daniel Theobald. Without your financial support and encouragement this project would not have been possible.

Thanks to all of our supporters on Open Collective. Your contributions are helping grow this project in to a sustainable open source organization.

You can support this project yourself at our Open Collective Page.

To learn more about Acorn, please see our announcement blog post. Or see a more recent technical update here.

A render of the PCB A render of the rear of the PCB A screenshot of the PCB Layout