
Avicenne Studio's shareable Prettier configuration

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This library contains the Prettier configuration used by Avicenne Studio.

Consider using the TypeScript configuration bundle instead of this library directly.

Installing the library

npm install --save-dev @avicenne-studio/prettier-config

Using the library

To use the library, you'll need to add the following to your .prettierrc.json file:


Publishing updates

For Avicenne Studio employees, in order to publish an update of the library, you'll need to:

  • Update the version field in the package.json file;
  • Stage and commit all changes;
  • Tag the new commit with the new version number; and
  • Push all changes to the GitHub repository.

This can be done using the following commands:

npm version patch
git push --tags

A GitHub Actions workflow will then automatically publish the package to the NPM registry.