A demo app to display GIFs from Giphy using MVVM and RxSwift

Primary LanguageSwift

Giphy Demo App


GIFApp is a demo app making use of MVVM patterns and functional programming to display trending and searched for Gifs from Giphy

Third party libraries

Some of the third party libraries used: For functional programming, RxSwift and RxCocoa For networking, Moya For view layout, SnapKit, which makes working with autolayout constraints a breeze. For GIF caching, Kingfisher

Useful resources

As I had not previously worked with RxSwift before, some of these resources helped me:

Networking from RxSwift examples

Eidolon an open source RxSwift app by the folks that make Moya.

Droids on Roids a guide to networking in Swift 3 with RxSwift


Assuming you have CocoaPods and Xcode installed, once you've downloaded the repo, navigate to the folder and type the following

pod install
open GIFApp.xcworkspace