A Python interface for the Fortify API.
The goal of this library is to map Fortify endpoints one-to-one. Calls to Fortify are made with clean, Pythonic methods.
- requests
Install via pip:
To Do
Install from source:
To Do
Import the module:
import PyFortify
Instantiating a client:
FClient = PyFortify.Connect()
Activity-feed-events: Retrieve list of activity feed entries
>>> FClient.activityFeedEvents()
Alert-definitions: Alert definitions management
>>> FClient.alertDefinitions()
To fetch a particular alert defination:
>>> FClient.alertDefinitions('parent_id')
Alertable-event-types: Retrieve the list of event types for which alerts can be created
>>> FClient.alertableEventTypes()
Alerts: Retrieve list of fired alerts
>>> FClient.alerts()
Attribute-definitions: Attribute definitions management
>>> FClient.attributeDefinitions()
Authentication-entities: Retrieve aggregated list of local and LDAP user accounts that have been set up in SSC (LDAP Groups can be accessed via a linked resource)
>>> FClient.authEntities()
Authentication-entity-roles: Retrieve list of Roles for the specific Auth Entity
>>> FClient.authEntitiesRoles('parent_id')
Ldap-authentication-entity-groups: Retrieve list of the LDAP Groups for the specified LDAP Auth Entity
>>> FClient.authEntitiesGroups('parent_id')
Bugfield-template-groups: Bugfield template groups management
>>> FClient.bugfieldTemplateGroups()
Bug-trackers: Retrieve list of available bug trackers that have been set up in SSC
>>> FClient.bugtrackers()
Api-bulk-request-controller: Api Bulk Request Controller
>>> FClient.bulk()
Bugfield-template-groups: Bugfield template groups management
>>> FClient.bugfieldTemplateGroups()
Cloudscan-jobs: Cloudscan jobs monitoring
>>> FClient.cloudjobs()
Cloudscan-pools: Cloudscan pools management
>>> FClient.cloudPools()
Cloudscan-jobs-for-cloudscan-pool: Cloudscan jobs for Cloudscan pool management
>>> FClient.cloudpoolsJobs('parent_id')
Project-versions-for-cloudscan-pool: Project versions for Cloudscan pool management
- Versions
>>> FClient.cloudpoolsVersions('parent_id')
- Versions/action
>>> FClient.cloudpoolsVersionsAction('parent_id')
Cloudscan-workers-for-cloudscan-pool: Cloudscan workers for Cloudscan pool management
>>> FClient.cloudpoolsWorkersAction('parent_id')
Cloudscan-system: Cloudscan system information
- Metrics
>>> FClient.cloudsystemMetrics()
- Pollstatus
>>> FClient.cloudsystemPollstatus()
- Settings
>>> FClient.cloudsystemsettings()
Cloudscan-workers: Cloudscan workers monitoring
>>> FClient.cloudpoolsWorkers('parent_id')
Cloudscan-worker-jobs: Cloudscan jobs by worker monitoring
>>> FClient.cloudworkersCloudjobs('parent_jobs')
Disabled-cloudscan-workers: List of Cloudscan workers that are not assigned to any Cloudscan pool
>>> FClient.cloudPoolsDisabledWorkers()
Core-rulepacks: Rulepacks management
>>> FClient.coreRulepacks
Custom-tags: Custom tags definition management
>>> FClient.customTags()
Engine-type-controller: Engine Type Controller
>>> FClient.engineTypes()
Events: Retrieve the list of SSC application event logs
>>> FClient.events()
File-tokens: Retrieve a file token for various file upload and download operations
>>> FClient.fileTokes()
Folders: Retrieve a list of defined folders attributeDefinitions
>>> FClient.folders()
Issue-details: Retrieve detailed information about the issue
>>> FClient.issueDetails()
Issue-templates: Issue templates management
>>> FClient.issueTemplates()
Issue-aging: Endpoint for getting precalculated issue aging metrics.
>>> FClient.issueaging()
Issue-aging-group: Endpoint for getting all possible values for specific group attribute for issue aging table.
>>> FClient.issueaginggroup()
Issue-audit-history: Retrieve the list of audit history events for the specific issue
>>> FClient.issuesAuditHistory()
Issue-comments: Retrieve the list of the issue comments and add new comment to the issue
>>> FClient.issuesComments()
Jobs: Retrieve the list of the jobs in the queue and update limited number of job attributes.
>>> FClient.jobs
Job-priority-change-warnings: Obtain a list of warnings what would happen if user changed job priority
>>> FClient.jobsWarnings('parent_id')
Ldap-objects: LDAP objects management
>>> FClient.ldapObjects()
Local-users: Local users management
>>> FClient.localUsers()
Performance-indicators: Performance indicators management
>>> FClient.performanceIndicators()
Permissions: Retrieve list of permissions and permission details for the specific permission GUID
>>> FClient.permissions()
Permissions-depends-on: Retrieve the list of permissions that this permission depends on
>>> FClient.permissionsDependsOn('parent_id')
Personas: Personas management
>>> FClient.personas()
Issue-aging-portlet: Retrieve issue aging portlet
>>> FClient.portlets()
Project-version-artifacts: Retrieve list of the FPR artifacts associated with this project version.
>>> FClient.projectVersionsArtifacts('parent_id')
Project-version-attributes: Project version attributes management.
>>> FClient.projectVersionsAttributes('parent_id')
Project-version-audit-assistant-status-controller: Project Version Audit Assistant Status Controller
>>> FClient.projectVersionsAuditAssistantStatus('parent_id')
Project-version-authentication-entities: Retrieve list of the authentication entities associated with this project version.
>>> FClient.projectVersionsAuthEntities('parent_id')
Project-version-bug-filing-requirements: The bug filing requirements (various bug params, is Authentication required) management for the bugtracker plugin associated with this project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsBugfilingrequirements('parent_id')
Project-version-bug-trackers: Retrieve or change bugtracker assigned to the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsBugtracker('parent_id')
Project-version-filter-sets: Retrieve the list of filter sets defined for the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsFilterSets('parent_id')
Project-version-issue: Retrieve the list of issues in the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsIssues('parent_id')
Project-version-issue-groups: Retrieve the list of issue groups in the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsIssueGroups('parent_id')
Project-version-issue-search-options: Retrieve and change issues search options for the specific project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsIssueSearchOptions('parent_id')
Project-version-issue-selector-set: Retrieve list of all possible issue grouping and filtering options for the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsIssueSelectorSet('parent_id')
Project-version-issue-summaries: Retrieve performance indicators values history for the specific project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsIssueSummaries('parent_id')
Project-version-performance-indicator-histories: Retrieve performance indicators values history for the specific project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsPerformanceIndicatorHistories('parent_id')
Project-version-responsibilities: Project version responsibilities management.
>>> FClient.projectVersionsResponsibilities('parent_id')
Project-version-result-processing-rules: Retrieve artifacts processing rules for the specific project version and changing values of these rules
>>> FClient.projectVersionsResponsibilities('parent_id')
Project-version-source-files: Retrieve source files content where issues were found
>>> FClient.projectVersionsSourceFiles('parent_id')
Project-version-variable-histories: Retrieve the history of variables for the project version
>>> FClient.projectVersionsVariableHistories('parent_id')
Project-versions: Project versions management
>>> FClient.projects()
Report-definitions: Report definitions management
>>> FClient.reportDefinitions()
Report-libraries: Report libraries management
>>> FClient.reportLibraries()
Reports: Reports management
>>> FClient.reports()
Role-associated-permissions: permissions associated with a particular role
>>> FClient.rolesPermissions('parent_id')
Rulepacks-update: Do rulepacks update
>>> FClient.updateRulepacks()
Scans: Retrieve the detail about the scan by this scan ID
>>> FClient.scans()
User-roles: User roles management.
>>> FClient.roles()
User-session-state: Manage current user UI state
>>> FClient.userSessionState()
Validate-search-string: Do search string validation
>>> FClient.validateSearchString()
Variables: Variables management
>>> FClient.variables()