- This application makes use of CRISP-DM framework
- To frame the task, throughout our practical applications we will refer to a standard process in industry for data projects called CRISP-DM.
- This process provides a framework for working through a data problem.
- Our first step in this application will be to read through a brief overview of CRISP-DM here
- In this application, we will explore a dataset that contains information on 426880 used cars.
- Our goal is to understand what factors make a car more or less expensive.
- As a result of this analysis, we should be able to provide clear recommendations to our client -- a used car dealership -- as to what consumers value in a used car.
The data spans across ~27-yrs - from 1995 -2022
Also, the price range of all the vehicles is approximately bet ~ $8k-$39k with some outlier to be eliminated
The data has vehicles from all 51 states (50 states + Washington DC) in the US and 404 distinct regions
There are a total of 42 unique manufacturers in the data
There are a total of 29629 unique car models in the data
The condition of the vehicle is classified in 6 unique categories ('good', 'excellent', 'fair', 'like new', 'new', 'salvage')
There are a total of 8 unique cylinder types listed in the data ('8 cylinders', '6 cylinders', '4 cylinders', '5 cylinders', 'other', '3 cylinders', '10 cylinders', '12 cylinders')
There are a total of 5 unique fuel attributes listed in the data ('gas', 'other', 'diesel', 'hybrid', 'electric')
There are a total of 5 unique title statuses listed in the data ('clean', 'rebuilt', 'lien', 'salvage', 'missing', 'parts only')
There are a total of 3 unique types of transmission listed in the data ('other', 'automatic', 'manual')
There are a total of 265838 unique VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) listed in the data
There are a total of 3 unique dive-types are listed in the data ('rwd', '4wd', 'fwd')
There are a total of 4 unique vehicle sizes listed in the data ('full-size', 'mid-size', 'compact', 'sub-compact')
There are a total of 13 unique vehicle types listed in the data ('pickup', 'truck', 'other', 'coupe', 'SUV', 'hatchback', 'mini-van','sedan', 'offroad', 'bus', 'van', 'convertible', 'wagon')
There are a total of 12 unique paint colors listed in the data ('white', 'blue', 'red', 'black', 'silver', 'grey', 'brown', 'yellow', 'orange', 'green', 'custom', 'purple')
Majority of the columns except (id, region, price, and state) contained NULL values (NaN in data science terms)
The data required significant cleansing as well as inferring the NULL values through Imputation
- id 426880 - region 426880 - price 426880 - year 425675 - manufacturer 409234 - model 421603 - condition 252776 - cylinders 249202 - fuel 423867 - odometer 422480 - title_status 418638 - transmission 424324 - VIN 265838 - drive 296313 - size 120519 - type 334022 - paint_color 296677 - state 426880
- bronze = raw data (accessed by Data Analysts) - silver = pre-processed data - (accesses by Data Engineers) - gold = curated data - (accessed by Data Scientists or Statisticians)
- Get the raw data from - here
- Unzip the data into data/bronze folder and rename the file as "vehicles_raw.csv" for the notebooks to execute without any exceptions
- Please run the notebooks in exact sequence (1-4)
- The pre-processing step (data-preprocessing.ipynb) will progressively create two more data files in "data/silver" and "data/gold" folders
- At the end of step 3 (after the execution of model.ipynb), there will be 3 model .pkl files create in "models" folder
- We'll also notice "errors.csv" created in "data/gold" folder which contains the scores produced by the all the models (refer - score table below)
├── data │ ├── bronze | | ├── vehicles_raw.csv │ ├── silver | | ├── vehicles_silver.csv | ├── gold | | ├── vehicles_gold.csv | | ├── errors.csv | ├── images | ├── all charts and sundry images | ├── models | ├── RFRDeploy.pkl | ├── StandardScaler.pkl | ├── XGBoostDeploy.pkl | ├── 1. data-preprocessing.ipynb │ 2. data-visualization.ipynb | 3. models.ipynb | 4. deployment.ipynb | ├── presentation | ├── UsedCarDataMLSummary.pptx
Input: vehicles_raw.csv Output: vehicles_silver.csv Code Used: Python Packages: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Input: vehicles_silver.csv Output: vehicles_gold.csv - IterativeImputer - Estimators (BayesianRidge, DecisionTreeRegressor, ExtraTreesRegressor, KNeighborsRegressor) - cross_val_score of calculated MSE - Rationalization of # of rows and column expected Rationalized Data points - Shape before process = (426880, 18) - Shape After process = (364420, 16) - Total 62460 rows and 2 columns were removed
- Label Encoding of categorical variables to transform into numerical values - The dataset is not normally distributed - sklearn library (MinMaxScaler) - train_test_split (Train = 90% - Test = 10%)
Input: vehicles_gold.csv Output: Model - 1) Linear Regression - 2) Ridge Regression - 3) Lasso Regression - 4) K-Neighbors Regression - 5) Random Forest Regression - 6) Bagging Regression - 7) Adaboost Regression - 8) XGBoost Regression
- Provide the following input variables to - predict the price of the best used vehicle - paint_color, manufacturer, year, transmission, cylinders, size, fuel, condition, drive, type, odometer
- The resultant model can be deployed as a docker container and orchestrated on Kubernetes cluster - The advantage of this approach is - we can orchestrate different versions of the models in different Kubernetes PODS - It also acts as a solutiona accelerator for other used car dealer and hence the solution becomes repeatable
- A Powerpoint presentation is included to explain the entire process in "Presentation" directory.
- By performing different Machine Learning models, we aimed to get a better result or less error with max accuracy.
- Our purpose was to predict the price of the used cars with the help of multiple predictors for 364420 unique samples.
- Initially, data cleaning was performed to remove the null values (NaN) and outliers from the dataset.
- Next, the data visualization features were explored deeply to examine the correlation between the features.
- Subsequently, Machine Learning models were implemented to predict feature importance and the price of car for a given customer preference.
- From the table below, Random Forest, AdaBoost, and XGBoost are the best models for the prediction of the used car prices.
- We chose 2 out of 3 best models and deployed Random Forest and XGBoost in production.
- AdaBoost - Odometer, Year, Manufacturer
- Random Forest - Year, Cylinder, Odometer
- XGBoot - Odometer, Model, Year
- In this analysis we tried to understand what influences used car's selling price.
- Based on the R2 score - all 3 models suggest "Year" and "Odometer" are the most important features that contributes to the model.
- The dealership should focus on these two features for their marketing campaign to maximize the sell and profit.
- Older cars with low Odometer yield better value for money for the customers.
- Effectively, focusing on these two features is a win-win situation for both - the dealership and the customers.