
Description of concurrent computation with sequential components

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


The Concurrently monad from async, when used as an applicative functor, will compute both of its terms concurrently. The Concurrential monad, when used as an applicative functor, may compute both of its terms concurrently, depending upon their structure. Whereas Concurrently allows the programmer to indicate that two computations should be run concurrently, Concurrential allows the programmer to indicate that two computations should be run concurrently as much as possible, and precisely where the concurrency is possible or not possible. This increases modularity, as the order of computations can be fixed to a certain extent, without demanding that the user of this computation know anything about its concurrency-related assumptions.

A demonstration

In this example, we assume some IO read/write feature, perhaps to and from a database system, and show how reads and writes can be safely interleaved.

import Prelude hiding (read, readIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.Concurrential

-- | Read the value at some key. We use strings for simplicity, and forego a
--   reasonable implementation.
readIO :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
readIO bs = putStrLn ("Reading: " ++ bs) >> return Nothing

-- | Write the value at some key. We use strings for simplicity, and forego a
--   reasonable implementation.
writeIO :: String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
writeIO key value = putStrLn ("Writing: " ++ key ++ ", " ++ show value)

-- | Reads may be executed concurrently.
read :: String -> ConcurrentialAp (Maybe String)
read = concurrently . readIO

-- | Writes must be executed sequentially, else the programmer's intent will not
--   be respected: if two or more writes to the same key are staged, then the
--   one which appears later in the term must overwrite the earlier one.
write :: String -> Maybe String -> ConcurrentialAp ()
write key = sequentially . writeIO key

-- | Run this IO to see that the reads do indeed happen concurrently (the
--   printed text is interleaved and unreadable) but notice that the writes
--   are always performed in-order. In particular, the second write to "A" will
--   always prevail.
demonstration :: IO [Maybe String]
demonstration = runConcurrential . concurrentially $
        (\x y z -> [x, y, z])
    <$> read "A"
    <*  write "A" (Just "z")
    <*  write "B" (Just "b")
    <*> read "B"
    <*  write "C" (Just "c")
    <*  write "A" (Just "a")
    <*> read "C"
    <*  write "D" (Just "d")

How it works

Terms of the Concurrently monad are (approximately) of the form

data Concurrential t where
  SCAtom :: Either (Sequential t) (Concurrent t) -> Concurrential t
  SCBind :: Concurrential s -> (s -> Concurrential t) -> Concurrential t
  SCAp :: Concurrential (r -> t) -> Concurrential r -> Concurrential t

Given the SCBind constructor, definition of >>= is trivial:

(>>=) :: Concurrential s -> (s -> Concurrential t) -> Concurrential t
(>>=) = SCBind

The applicative <*> is more involved. Whereas the Concurrently monad from Control.Concurrent.Async evaluates both arguments of <*> concurrently, the applicative for Concurrential does not! This is to guarantee that

mf <*> mx = mf ap mx = mf >>= (\f -> mx >>= \x -> return (f x))

which some might expect of any monad. To gain concurrency in Concurrential, we define ConcurrentialAp, which is a newtype over Concurrential, but which is not a monad! This type's applicative instance uses the SCAp constructor. When interpreted by runConcurrential, it runs its arguments concurrently.

return and pure use the sequential variant of SCAtom.

With this language in place, the function runConcurrential is defined, which will run the ms in the Concurrential term concurrently such that all sequential SCAtom terms are run in the order in which they appear.