
Some Nat-indexed types for GHC

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


The classic first example of a dependently typed program is the list of fixed length, or Vect, where the length is in its type.

It's known that GHC's type system can handle this, through the GADTs, KindSignatures, and DataKinds extensions.

This module provides the fixed-length list type Vect a Nat, as well as the Nat definitions which it demands. Through the use of a type-directed recursion in the IsNat class, we are able to provide the function listToVect :: IsNat n => [a] -> Maybe (Vect a n); we did not require a special class just for the implementation of this function!

Here is an example use:

import Data.TypeNat.Vect
import Data.TypeNat.Fin

-- Typechecks
myVector :: Vect String Three
myVector = VCons "Static" (VCons "Types" (VCons "Rule" VNil))

-- Does not typecheck
myBadVector :: Vect String Four
myBadVector = VCons "Static" (VCons "Types" (VCons "Rule" VNil))

-- Typechecks
myVectorAsList :: [String]
myVectorAsList = vectToList myVector

-- Typechecks, is Just
myVectorAgain :: Maybe (Vect String Three)
myVectorAgain = listToVect myVectorAsList

-- Typechecks, is Nothing
myVectorAgainBad :: Maybe (Vect String Four)
myVectorAgainBad = listToVect myVectorAsList

-- Typechecks
mySecondElement :: String
mySecondElement = safeIndex myVector ix2

-- Does not typecheck
myFourthElement :: String
myFourthElement = safeIndex myVector ix4

main = do

  putStrLn $ showVect myVector

  -- Prints the list, since 'vectToList myVector' has length 3 and we gave
  -- the type Three in our annotation.
  case (listToVect (vectToList myVector) :: Maybe (Vect String Three)) of
    Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
    Just v -> putStrLn $ showVect v

  -- Prints "Nothing", since 'vectToList myVector' has length 3 and we gave
  -- the type Two in our annotation.
  case (listToVect (vectToList myVector) :: Maybe (Vect String Two)) of
    Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing"
    Just v -> putStrLn $ showVect v