
property testing

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION


Bringing the divide between property testing and the real world.

What we want from a testing solution

  1. The usual benefits of property testing
    • "Don't write tests, generate them!"
    • Reproducibility of failing cases, with minimal examples
  2. The ability to test IO programs

These two points seem to be at odds: if a test can do IO, then in general it can't be reproducible, nor can it be shrunk to find a minimal failing example. QuickCheck makes this clear in its documentation:

-- Warning: any random values generated inside of the argument to @ioProperty@
-- will not currently be shrunk. For best results, generate all random values
-- before calling @ioProperty@, or use 'idempotentIOProperty' if that is safe.
-- Note: if your property does no quantification, it will only be tested once.
-- To test it repeatedly, use 'again'.
ioProperty :: Testable prop => IO prop -> Property

Hedgehog, on the other hand, takes a more liberal stance, with MonadIO instances for its generator, test, and property monad transformers. It even requires the use of IO to run a check:

data Property =
  Property {
      propertyConfig :: !PropertyConfig
    , propertyTest :: PropertyT IO ()

property :: HasCallStack => PropertyT IO () -> Property

check :: MonadIO m => Property -> m Bool

Since allowing IO contradicts reproducibility, it's tempting to take the approach of QuickCheck; since practical real world testing often requires IO, it's tempting to go the route of Hedgehog. But Hedgehog's approach of integrating the IO with shrinking generator and assertions in a monad transformer has deal-breaking problems:

  • It can't allow for continuation-passing-style IO, needed for proper exception handling (bracket) and concurrency (withAsync), and therefore can't be used to test arbitrary IO programs.
  • It doesn't make it easy to control what IO is done and when, since it's interleaved with the shrink tree of GenT: if it finds a failing case, then the shrinking phase will re-run the IO.

And so neither QuickCheck nor Hedgehog really fits as an overall testing solution for a real software project. What we end up with is a mix of property tests for some pure functions, usually codec roundtrips, and then HUnit tests for everything else.

This project is an attempt to find a better way.

Reproducible tests

The foundational notion of a reproducible test looks like this:

data Test assertion specimen result = Test
  { subject :: specimen -> result
  , expectations :: Conjunction (Expectation assertion specimen result)

data Expectation assertion specimen result = Expectation
  { assertion :: assertion
  -- ^ Just a label
  , verification :: specimen -> result -> Bool
  -- ^ The subject of a test gives a functional relation (specimen, result), and
  -- this function identifies a subset of that relation (the passing subset).

type Conjunction = NonEmpty

Search domains

A test may be applied to a domain, which defines a way to search for specimens which cause the expectations to fail.

data Domain space specimen = Domain
  { search :: Strategy space
  , generate :: Gen space specimen

-- Apply the test to a domain, with a given random seed, and give the first
-- counterexample found.
check :: Test assertion specimen result
      -> Domain space specimen
      -> Seed
      -> Maybe (Counterexample space specimen result assertion)

-- Everything needed to reproduce the failure, and more.
data Counterexample space specimen result assertion = Counterexample
  { seed :: Seed
  , point :: space
  , specimen :: specimen
  , result :: result
  , refuted :: NonEmpty assertion

Composite tests

Tests and Domains are all we need to be able to do QuickCheck-style property testing.

-- Is in IO because it conjures a new random seed and forces the result of
-- the test with `evaluate` and `try`.
quickCheck :: Natural -- How many samples to check.
           -> Test assertion specimen result
           -> Domain space specimen
           -> IO (QuickCheck space specimen result assertion)

In order to express IO tests, we'll declare pure tests up-front by

  • Giving them a label
  • Deciding how to render their counterexamples in case of a failure
  • Instructing GHC to verify that the test definition is closed (see the section about static pointers)

These declarations can then be checked at various IO-dependent domains within the Composite monad, which is essentially just IO and comes equipped with a MonadUnliftIO instance in an effort to make it widely and easily applicable. It looks like this:

{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}

example :: IO TestResult
example = composite defaultGlobalConfig $ do
  -- static is a keyword; GHC will check that someTest is closed.
  let someTest = declare "Some test" renderTestViaPretty (static someTest)
  -- Shows that we can use arbitrary IO: even a continuation-passing-style
  -- IO like bracket. Could also use a "lifted" variant via MonadUnliftIO.
  checkPassed <- effect $ \runInIO -> bracket open close $ \file -> runInIO $ do
    value <- readFromFile file
    -- A domain may depend upon a dynamic value like the thing we read from
    -- the file. This is okay so long as know how to render it in such a way
    -- that the generated value can be reconstructed.
    let someDomain = makeDomain value
        renderDomain = renderDomainViaPretty
    -- Check at 100 samples, in parallel (using the number of capabilities).
    check (inParallel 100) renderDomain someTest someDomain
  -- A call to check gives a Bool indicating whether it passed.
  -- A composite test may be ended early.
  unless checkPassed stop
  -- Simple, non-CPS IO can also be done in a simpler fomr
  effect_ (putStrLn "Test complete")
    -- The form `static someTest` used in the declaration will ensure that
    -- this test does not contain any hidden dynamic parts (may as well be a
    -- top-level declaration).
    someTest :: Test () (Natural, Word32) String
    someTest = ...

Even though example :: IO TestResult itself cannot be reproducible in general, the tests checked within it are. The counterexamples appearing in the TestResult contain enough information to be reproduced, giving meaningful and actionable information to the investigating programmer.

There was 1 counterexample discovered from initial random seed 9b23a7bf5c588103c2bf7553b6ce2217
✘ List reverse
  Declared at   examples/Basic.hs:74:5 in main:Basic
  Checked at    examples/Basic.hs:80:17 in main:Basic
                with random seed 20a29266c9f4c531c2bf7553b6ce2217
                and search part  2
  Specimen      [1562, 4]
  Result        [1562, 4, 4, 1562]
  Refuting      reverse . reverse = id at examples/Basic.hs:48:20 in main:Basic
A total of 3 checks were made
Ended normally

Example output is from a deliberately wrong list reverse definition. See Basic.

Some other interesting things

Static pointers

This project uses static pointers in a way they were not intended to be used. By requiring that a test be static in order to use it in a composite, it's ensured that the test really is reproducible. Here's an example

main :: IO ()
main = do
  contents <- readFileContents "./test-data.txt"
  -- This test is not reproducible: it implicitly depends upon the contents of
  -- test-data.txt
  let test = Test
        { subject = \str -> (str, lines contents)
        , expectations = that "it is a line in the file" (\(str, lns) -> str `elem` lns)
      -- `static test` will be rejected because it's not a closed form.
      someTest = declare "Linex" renderTestViaPretty (static test)
  composite defaultGLobalConfig $ check (inParallel 100) renderDomain someTest someDomain
  pure ()

Instead, the programmer must rethink the definition of the test. One way forward would be to take the contents as part of the input, along with the string to check. Then, the file IO can be used to define a domain, rather than a test.


This project takes an unorthodox approach to shrinking. It's not explicit, like in QuickCheck, nor is it integrated, like in Hedgehog. Instead, the domain of a property is factored into a random part, and a complexity-ordered part.

Conceptually, a domain has one unordered "axis" of all random seeds, each of which determines some value that can be grown or shrunk by increasing or decreasing the ordered parameter.

Generation of progressively more complicated values is carried out by picking a random part (i.e. a 128 bit splitmix generator) and then using the search space to increase the non-random ordered part, while keeping the random part fixed.

When a failing case is found at a given point, we can decrease the point in complexity, while keeping the random seed fixed, until a passing case is found, at which point we can conclude that we've found a minimal failing example.

The classic example of a list generator is not a problem here:

listOf :: Gen param Natural -> Gen param t -> Gen param [t]
liftOf genN genT = do
  n <- genN
  replicateM (fromIntegral n) genT

This general definition admits good shrinking or bad shrinking, depending on the definition of its arguments, and how they respond to the complexity-ordered param.

Unbounded numbers

With QuickCheck and Hedgehog generators, it's not obvious how to call for some number without imposing an upper bound. In this project, a generator can take an Integer or Natural from the search space, without giving an upper bound, leaving that to be decided by a search strategy. This seems like a better separation of concerns. It ought to be easier to write more widely-applicable and re-usable generators.

Unit tests and simplification

A unit test is a special case of a property test in which the domain is the trivial search space with no randomness. But checking a property means generating a whole bunch of random samples and searching some space at each one. It would be wasteful to express a unit test as a property test, unless we always knew to check it at just one seed.

This project makes an effort to ensure that GHC will simplify a check of any property test which is a unit test. At a high level, the idea makes good sense: checking a unit test does not depend upon the random seed or search space point, so GHC should be able to float it out of the mapMaybe which defines the search.

In case the test fails (gives Just), laziness takes care of this, because searching for the existence of one failing case only requires looking at the head of the list of failures. But if the test passes (gives Nothing), then laziness doesn't help us, and a rewrite rule is required.

With enough simplifier passes, this transformation reliably works. The hope is that users can go ahead and define unit tests as special cases of property tests without worrying that they will waste work and slow down their test suite.