
Type-level functional programming

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This package gives a construction which essentially promotes the arrow type, unifying type constructors and promoted data constructors with type families into one kind: Function s t alias s :-> t. It requires GHC 8.0, because it uses type families to compute kinds.

Since type families are not types (they cannot appear partially applied) they are proxied by actual datatypes. A simple function like id at the type level is expressed like this:

type Id = F IdProxy
data IdProxy (x :: k) (p :: Proxy k)
type instance EvalFunction (IdProxy x) = x

The IdProxy takes all of the arguments to the Id function, and a Proxy to indicate the final type after evaluation. An analogue of const looks like this:

type Const = F ConstProxy
data ConstProxy (x :: k) (y :: l) (p :: Proxy k)
type instance EvalFunction (ConstProxy x y) = x

Notice how the Proxy parameter chooses k for the output kind. Once the first parameter of ConstProxy is given, the final kind is known.

This construction is capable of giving type-level functor and applicative instances, allowing the programmer to use awesome functional programming idioms even when working with types:

*Data.Type.Function> :kind! Const :<$> 'Just 42 :<*> 'Just '()
= 'Just 42

*Data.Type.Function> :kind! Const :<$> 'Just 42 :<*> 'Nothing
= 'Nothing

If you grab my Character kind patch then you can get a hold of some type-level monadic parsers:

:kind! RunParser `At` ((Const `At` 'True) :<$> ParserCharacter) `At` "hello"
= 'Just '( 'True, "ello" )

:kind! RunParser `At` ((Const `At` 'True) :<$> ParserCharacter) `At` ""
= 'Nothing

There's some related, but far more complicated and awkward work at type-lambda, in which type-level functions are defined formally, with support for pattern matching.