
scrape wiki page, and find all the animal in it, for each, download his pic, and output the name, Collateral adjective and local path to the img, into html file

Primary LanguagePython

How to use:

you can find the requirements for create the env file in the requirements.txt file

the program take url path as an argument, check for animal table there, for each animal download the relevant image into tmp folder, and output the name, the collateral adjective and the local path to the image.

Im trying to avoid comment in my code and write self-explained code instead. I've been trying to do that in this project also. I'll explain the code here and the train of thought, in case that it doesnt clear in the code itself.

The main file take the arguments from the user, validate it and provide it to the printer function

The printer function is the big-boss function, that call to the other function to do there job in their time

first we create the file and directory we'll need for later - the tmp directory and the html file with some opening content

Using requests and bs4 the program get the html from the page and process it

"find table" function find the desirable table, by searching for the key-word in the header

output_animals_and_pic function go over the table find the data we looking for and create threads-array of download-pic and output to html file processes

then we run all the threads and letting the user know that everything worked fine

in the tests file i've created few unit-test to check the small parts work fine and can handle with edge-cases

that about all, more or less