
Python Project Boilerplate

Primary LanguageMakefile

Python Project Boilerplate

The goal of this repo is to provide an (opinionated) starting point for a self contained (Dockerized) python project.

Notes & Highlights

  • The project is setup via pyproject.toml.
  • Common quick-actions are available via a Makefile.
  • An efficient [~165Mb] Dockerfile is provided.


  • Dependencies are managed via Poetry which is recommended but not nessesary. requirements.txt files are also available.
  • Apart for "regular" dependencies, there are also a "dev" and "test" requirements groups, allowing for granular managment.
  • Currently, the only "regular" dependency is python-dotenv which allows reading .env files (more will be added in the future)
  • Dev dependencies used:
    • Ruff formatter & linter.
    • mypy a static type checker.
    • pre-commit a tool to force code quality on every commit (not pre-configured yet).
  • Test dependencies used:
    • Pytest (plugins and tox to be added in the future)

Roadmap / TODO

  • In progress:
    • Accompanying package
    • Add pre-commit configuration
    • Add GitHub actions CI/CD boilerplate
    • Consider variants (requires a git modular approach - sub-modules? varients as branches?)
  • Future work:
    • more makefile actions
    • Variants: - FastAPI (with routes tooling), Model serving on GPU machines (which?)
    • Consider using a monorepo -> bazel ?
    • Tox testing boilerplate
  • Distant Future:
    • Consider replacing Poetry (with what? pipx / pixi / uv)

Accompanying package content

  • Must have:
    • Config managment (Dynaconf? Hydra?)
    • Logging (stdout, stderr, rotating file, cloud sink?)
  • High priority:
    • Rabbit client
  • Medium priority
    • Redis / Vakley client
    • Postgres / SQLModel / Pydantic tooling
  • Low priority:
    • Kafka clients
    • Elastic / Mongo clients