A simple flask application for the assignment of web development internship . I have developed the application using flask and python , the end user can upload the file and perform the tasks mentioned on the assesment , I have used pandas for the processing of the excel file
- web : This folder contains the static file of the project like images , css etc
- templates : Contains the UI part of the application , served by flask
- server.py : Main file for spinning up the server and perform operations
git clone https://github.com/avijeetpandey/elucidata-task.git
cd elucidata-task
pip install -r requirements.txt
python server.py
This will spin up a flask server
- The file uploaded will be saved into the uploads folder
- Server PORT : 5000
- / : home of the application where user can upload the file
- /filter : This end point filter based LPC,PC,Plasmalogen and returns user a zip file containing the output (Task 1)
- /retention : This endpoint rounds of the Times and returns a csv file which contains mean of the column as specified (Task 2 and 3)
As mentioned I have tried to keep the UI of the application as minimal as possible