Implementing Binary Tree in JavaScript
Some important questions on Binary Tree
1.Add new Node into the Tree
2.find the Minimum value present in the Tree
3.find the Maximum value present in the Tree
4.Search a value from the Tree
5.find the Parent Node of a particular node
6.find the Children node of a particular node
8.check balance of binary tree
13.Level Order traversal or Breath Order traversal
14.Vertical Order Treversal of binary tree
17.left view of a binary tree
18.right view of a binary tree
19.Top view of binary tree
20.Bottom view of binary tree
21.Serialize of Binary Tree
22.Deserialize of Binary Tree
23.check binary tree is BST
24.construct Tree from sorted array or inorder traversal
25.construct Tree from unsorted array or preorder traversal
26.Diameter of Binary Tree