A simple stopwatch that lives in your OS X status bar, useful for timing how long you've been working on a particular task. Only supports a single session at once, but allows pausing and resuming the session multiple times.
This is my attempt to play around with Swift, a language I hadn't used before, and write a simple, but non-trivial, OS X application using the NSStatusBar API. I've written this same application for GNOME before in Python, so this project was solely about the technologies involved.
git clone https://github.com/avik-das/SwiftTimerBar.git
cd SwiftTimerBar
open TimerBar.xcodeproj
Now, you can run the application, or go through the tests and run them as well.
Supports accurate timing down to the second. Doesn't lose accuracy over a long period of time.
Ability to pause and resume a timed session as many times as desired.
Correctly supports both light and dark modes.