== NES DEVELOPMENT - Avik Das ========================================== A collection of programs written for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Due to the limitations of the hardware, all the programs must be relatively small, so it makes sense to keep them all in the same repository. The included programs are described briefly below, while more elaborate descriptions are provided inside the corresponding directories. ~~ PREREQUISITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The programs are written in 6502 assembly, using the Ophis Assembler, which may be found at https://github.com/michaelcmartin/Ophis . The Makefiles assume that the assembler is on the PATH. To run the programs after assembly, an NES emulator is required. The programs are tested on FCEUX, which is available at http://fceux.com/web/home.html . The programs are written in vim, and a modeline is present in the source files that gives them the appropriate syntax highlighting. The syntax file is available on the vim scripts website as asmM6502.vim (https://github.com/vim-scripts/asmM6502.vim). ~~ INCLUDED PROGRAMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More detailed descriptions are available in the README files inside the directory containing each program. sprite - A simple test program that demonstrates a wide variety of hardware-provided functionality and general programming techniques. money-run - A side-scrolling platformer with an emphasis on simplicity. A collaboration with Israel Jacques, with the goal of creating an actual game, instead of just a tech demo, albeit one simple enough to complete in one week.