A python implementation of a fast practical topic search algorithm.
The algorithm called Topic Search by Whitening is described in the following paper:
- Avik Ray, Joe Neeman, Sujay Sanghavi and Sanjay Shakkottai, “The Search Problem in Mixture Models”, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 18, no. 206, pp. 1-61, April 2018. (http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume18/16-483/16-483.pdf)
Please cite the above paper if you are using the code.
Copyright (C) 2016 Avik Ray
Copyright of scripts uci_to_scipy.py and truncate_vocabulary.py belong to Yoni Halpern et al. (authors of the paper "A Practical Algorithm for Topic Modeling with Provable Guarantees", ICML 2013)
Contact: avik@utexas.edu
fastWhitenLDA.py -- Main implementation of the Topic Search by Whitening algorithm
utils.py -- Utility functions used by the topic search algorithm
uci_to_scipy.py -- Converts UCI format corpus data (bag-of-words) to sparse scipy matrix
truncate_vocabulary -- Used to remove rare words, stopwords, and truncate the input vocabulary
Folder nips_dataset -- Contains the NIPS bag-of-words dataset from UCI repository, corresponding list of stopwords and demo config file for topic search algorithm.
Folder nytimes_dataset -- Contains list of stopwords and demo config file for NY Times bag-of-words dataset. The dataset can be downloaded from UCI repository at http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Bag+of+Words
config_file -- Test settings for topic search algorithm (config parameter description below)
corpus_file -- UCI format bag-of-words corpus file
vocab_file -- Word vocabulary for the corpus
stopwords_file -- List of stopwords
Python 2.x with numpy, scipy
Copy the above four files into the main directory (e.g. for NIPS dataset all files in nips_dataset folder to main folder)
Run from shell/command prompt
python fastWhitenLDA.py config_file label_word
where "label_word" is a single word whose corresponding topic is being searched in the document corpus.
The top N words (N specified in config file) in the target topic is saved in a text file under directory called "res" and also displayed by the program.
The topic PMI score is also computed and displayed. However this requires internet access to Palmetto web service to compute topic PMI (see https://github.com/AKSW/Palmetto/wiki/How-Palmetto-can-be-used). Note that if this service is down the program may output error messages and display PMI score = 0. In such cases the PMI score maybe computed offline by the Palmetto program (see instructions in the above link).
(Note that the program will also generate several intermediate files like truncated matrix, truncated vocabulary, filter file etc.)
corpus_file -- Name of corpus file (UCI bag-of-words format)
dictionary_file -- Name of vocabulary file
mat_file_name -- Name of scipy sparse matrix file
filter_file -- Name of test, train, validation split filter file
stopwords_file -- Name of stopwords file
train_fraction -- Fraction of documents used for training
validation_fraction -- Fraction of documents used for validation
test_fraction -- Fraction of documents used for test
rare_word_threshold -- Vocabulary truncation parameter. Words present in less than rare_word_threshold documents are removed
num_topics -- Total number of topics in corpus. This is the parameter k in topic search algorithm
top_words_to_display -- Number of top words from the topic to be displayed and saved in output file
alpha_0 -- Dirichlet parameter alpha_0 in topic search algorithm
weight -- Weight parameter to weigh labeled documents (currently not used)