
A simple utility for creating mysql dumps.

Primary LanguageGo

My DB Dumper

A simple utility for creating mysql dumps.


Just 4 fun

Is able to:

  • Dump the database with the time of creation of the file in the title
  • Separates table creation files and data insertion files
  • Execute SQL data from files
  • Ignores the dump tables specified in the config
  • Uses .env file to set up environment

Create dump

$ ./dmpr

Execute SQL data from files

$ ./dmpr -import path/to/file.sql

.env config

For create exemple .env file

$ ./dmpr -make-env

env parameters

.env param required example description
TITLE true example.com
DB_HOST true mysql
DB_PORT true 3306
DB_DATABASE true homestead
DB_USERNAME true homestead
DB_PASSWORD true secret
DUMP_CREATE true true create tables file
DUMP_INSERT true true insert data file
DUMP_DIR false dumps Folder for dump
IGNORE_TABLES false peoples|likes if you want to ignore some tables, specify them with the symbol |
DEBUG false false for debugging the file names do not contain the creation date
LOG false true Create a file logging errors
LOG_ERROR_FILE false error.log filename error log


$ ./dmpr -make-env # create .env file
$ ./dmpr -all # Ignore .env parameters DUMP_CREATE and DUMP_INSERT
$ ./dmpr -import path/to/file.sql # Execute sql file
$ ./dmpr -help
Usage of ./dmpr:
    	create all dump files
  -import string
    	import dump file
    	create .env boilerplate file

example of a generated file

$ tree .
├── dmpr
└── dumps
    └── 2018-12-27
        └── 2018-12-27_03:57_insert.sql