
NMMM - new minial managable modular dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua


NMMM - new minial managable modular dotfiles

Editor Advanced Features

  • DAP Debugging Adapter Protocol
  • LSP Language Server Protocol client-server
  • Treesitter AST


  • specification put forward by Microsoft to support multiple editors

Lua Plugins

  • write lua plugins from scratch
  • how to test ?
  • How do we get plugins docs and help ?
  • Plugin file places under special folders under VIM rumtime are automatically executed. Eg: plugin folder
    • files under lua dir are not automatically executred but are available to user
  • run lua code inside nvim as REPL
:lua require"my-plugin.utils"
:lua package.loaded["my-plugin"] = nil
:lua P(package.loaded)
:lua vim.lsp.buf.code_actions()

Search substring of a search keyword Search files in other directories then open in vertical split using CTRL-V

:Telescope grep_string search=<string>
:Telescope find_files cwd=~/.config
:belowright vsplit | terminal rg --count -l vim

Text Editing

vertical alignment | https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Simple_text_alignment


  • control project related and file related completions
  • other plugins can use the sample completion api to provide completions using List-of-sources