Note: Substantial parts of the code described here have been created during my working relationship with Truststone Software GmbH.
A Flutter plugin enabling the user to detect edges of a given image. It returns the relative coordinates of the detection rectangle.
Try out
If you just want to test it, go ahead and clone this repository.
Before you can run the example, you need to download the OpenCV library. Download the iOS pack and Android on
Afterwards, copy the respective files into the directory of this plugin where project_root
is the root folder of this plugin:
# OpenCV for Android
cp -R sdk/native/jni/include project_root
cp sdk/native/libs/* project_root/android/src/main/jniLibs/*
# OpenCV for iOS
cp -R opencv2.framework project_root/ios
Getting Started
Add plugin as dependency
In order to use the package, please verify you have added the latest version to you pubspec.yml:
sdk: flutter
simple_edge_detection: local_path_to_this_repository
Import the package in your code
import 'package:simple_edge_detection/edge_detection.dart';
Call the detection using a file path to an image
final picker = ImagePicker();
final pickedFile = await picker.getImage(source:;
final filePath = pickedFile.path;
EdgeDetectionResult result = await EdgeDetector().detectEdges(filePath);
Technical information
This package uses the OpenCV C++ library version 4.4.0 to perform the detection task. It utilizes Dart-FFI to execute the native code.
Tutorial / Infos / Article
Find the respective tutorial about how everything was created and how it's to be used on