
Collection of projects with source code links.

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Projects With Source code

This repo contains a variety of projects, each bundled with its source code. Users can explore these projects to gain insights into implementation details, understand underlying concepts, and even modify the code to suit their needs. Whether you're a novice seeking hands-on experience or a seasoned developer looking for inspiration, this collection offers a wide array of projects to delve into and learn from.

Note: These projects are only suggestions. You are free to create your own projects for practical knowledge. The source code is provided solely for understanding. If you are using the source code, it is highly recommended to go through it and understand the concepts. Table Of content

Types of Projects ✅

2. React
3. Full stack
4. Data Science
5. C++
6. Machine Learning
7. Springboot Advanced Projects

How to contribute to this repo ?

  • Star this repo.
  • Fork the repository.
  • Create an issue with a description about the projects and their GitHub link.
  • Wait for approval.
  • Make changes and create a pull request.
  • If the heading is not added of the project type , then you can add

Java Projects

  1. Password Generator using Java - https://github.com/KZarzour/Password-Generator
  2. Online Survey System - https://github.com/kodekracker/Online-Survey-System
  3. Online Resume Builder - https://github.com/meetakbari/CV-Resume-Builder
  4. Snake Game using Java - https://github.com/janbodnar/Java-Snake-Game
  5. Data Visualization Software- https://github.com/gavalian/groot
  6. Electricity Billing System - https://github.com/Adarsh9616/Electricity_Billing_System
  7. Web Medical Management System - https://github.com/mokarrom/medical-center
  8. Supply Chain Management System - https://github.com/sonnyhcl/Backend
  9. Exam Seating Arrangement System in Java - https://github.com/chabedalam11/Exam-Seating-Arrangement-System-Using-JSP-Servlet
  10. Wordcount Tools in Java - https://github.com/lucassrg/javawc

Core Java Projects With Source Code

  1. Create a Consumer Relationship Management System - https://github.com/machowina/CRM
  2. bFit Cognitive and Memory Testing Game - https://github.com/Dk35840/bFit-A-Cognitive-Game
  3. Network Packet Sniffer Analyzer Software - https://github.com/HassanAdamm/packet-sniffer
  4. Internet Service Provider Automation System - https://github.com/nitishr7/ISP-Java
  5. Create a Criminal Face Detection System- https://github.com/prasadus92/Face-Recognition

React projects

  1. React Notes Application - https://github.com/paydendyer/react-notes-app
  2. React Pokemon App using PokeAPI - https://github.com/Megh2507/Pokemon-App
  3. React Weather Application - https://github.com/topics/react-weather-app
  4. React Cryptocurrency Application - https://github.com/Megh2507/React-Crypto-App
  5. React Password Generator - https://github.com/Megh2507/react_password_generator
  6. Photo Gallery Application- https://github.com/chrisblakely01/react-node-photo-gallery
  7. React Chat Application - https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/Whatsapp-Clone
  8. React Movie and Series Application - https://github.com/piyush-eon/react-entertainment-hub
  9. Instagram Clone - https://github.com/topics/instagram-clone
  10. E-Commerce Application - https://github.com/meabhisingh/mernProjectEcommerce

Full Stack Projects

  1. To-do List Project - https://github.com/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof
  2. Blog Website/App - https://github.com/rajaraodv/react-redux-blog
  3. Chat Application/Website - https://github.com/raineroviir/react-redux-socketio-chat
  4. Portfolio Website - https://github.com/adrianhajdin/portfolio_website
  5. Food Delivery Application/Website - https://github.com/fahadahmed07/react-js-quick-food-delivery-website
  6. E-commerce Website/App - https://github.com/django-oscar/django-oscar
  7. Video Conferencing App/Website - https://github.com/itstaranarora/video-chat-v1
  8. Social Media App/Website - https://github.com/CharlyKeleb/SocialMedia-App
  9. Content Management Tool/System for Blogs - https://github.com/mahmudahsan/pythonbangla.com
  10. Project Management Tool - https://github.com/JordanKnott/taskcafe

Data Science Projects

  1. Fake News Detection Using Python- https://github.com/nishitpatel01/Fake_News_Detection
  2. Detecting Forest Fire - https://github.com/Skar0/fire-detection
  3. Detection of Road Lane Lines - https://github.com/amusi/awesome-lane-detection
  4. Sentimental Analysis - https://github.com/yashspr/sentiment_analysis_ml_part
  5. Speech Recognition through the Emotions- https://github.com/topics/speech-emotion-recognition
  6. Gender Detection and Age Prediction - https://github.com/smahesh29/Gender-and-Age-Detection
  7. Developing Chatbots - https://github.com/parulnith/Building-a-Simple-Chatbot-in-Python-using-NLTK
  8. Detection of Drowsiness in Drivers - https://www.interviewbit.com/blog/data-science-projects/
  9. Diabetic Retinopathy - https://github.com/rsk97/Diabetic-Retinopathy-Detection
  10. Detection of Credit Card Fraud - https://github.com/curiousily/Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection-using-Autoencoders-in-Keras

C++ Projects

  1. Bookshop Management System Using C++ - https://github.com/aryan-khanijo/Bookshop-Management-System-CPP-Project
  2. Bank Management System In C++ - https://github.com/wkhaliddev/Bank-Management/tree/master/DSAproject
  3. Student Record Management System - https://github.com/Code-Recursion/Student-Record-Management-System
  4. Contact Management System Using C++ - https://github.com/JeremyWu917/ContactManagementSystem
  5. Car Rental System In C++ - https://github.com/Ellie-Y/CarRentalSystem
  6. Credit Card Validator - https://github.com/karancodes/credit-card-validator
  7. Sudoku Game - https://github.com/AlexIzydorczyk/sudoku
  8. Trading Application Project In C++ - https://github.com/JulyIghor/QtBitcoinTrader
  9. Casino Number Guessing Game - https://github.com/KevinVillania/Baccarat-Casino-Number-Game
  10. Sales Management System - https://github.com/whoeverxd/sales
  11. Face Detection App with C++ - https://github.com/elador/FeatureDetection
  12. Digital Calculator - https://github.com/christopher-siewert/cpp-calculator

Machine Learning Projects

  1. Home Value Prediction Project - https://github.com/Shreyas3108/house-price-prediction
  2. Sales Prediction Project - https://github.com/storieswithsiva/Kaggle-Predicting-Future-Sales
  3. Music Recommendation System Project - https://github.com/ugis22/music_recommender
  4. Black Friday Sales Prediction - https://github.com/nanthasnk/Black-Friday-Sales-Prediction
  5. Stock Prices Predictor with the help of TimeSeries - https://github.com/huseinzol05/Stock-Prediction-Models
  6. Predicting Wine Quality with the help of Wine Quality Dataset- https://github.com/amberkakkar01/Prediction-of-Wine-Quality
  7. MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification- https://github.com/anujdutt9/Handwritten-Digit-Recognition-using-Deep-Learning
  8. Myers-Briggs Personality Prediction
  9. Market Basket Analysis - https://github.com/DiegoUsaiUK/Market_Basket_Analysis
  10. Text Summarisation - https://github.com/ebenso/TextSummarizer

Springboot Advanced Projects

Springboot Advanced projects
Springboot projects full stack