
List of scams to spread awareness


The repository serves as a valuable resource for individuals of all backgrounds to come together and share their encounters with various scams. Whether you have received a suspicious email, encountered a fraudulent website, or experienced a deceptive social engineering technique, your contribution can make a significant difference. By documenting these scams, we aim to create a comprehensive database that empowers users to identify and steer clear of potential threats.

Collaboration lies at the heart of this initiative. As an open-source project, we encourage everyone to actively participate in the repository. Whether you are an experienced cybersecurity professional, a technology enthusiast, or simply an individual who wants to safeguard others from falling victim to online scams, your contributions are invaluable. By reporting scams, providing detailed descriptions, and sharing tips on how to recognize and avoid them, you can play a crucial role in building a safer online environment for all.

You can find list of scams in readme file in related folders.

Check Contributing.md file to contribute

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