
An Ansible Role that installs Logstash on RedHat/CentOS

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Logstash

An Ansible Role that installs Logstash on RedHat/CentOS.

Note that this role installs a syslog grok pattern by default; if you want to add more filters, please add them inside the /etc/logstash/conf.d/ directory.


Requires Java (Preferred Java 8+). See avinash6784.oracle-java role to install Java 8.

This role is made Elastisearch as a backend for storing the logs. See avinash6784.elasticsearch role to install Elasticsearch

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# Lggstash major version
logstash_major_version: 5.x

# Lggstash port
logstash_port: 5044

# Elasticsearch hostname, where logstash ship logs.
  - http://localhost:9200

# Local paths to the SSL certificate and key files.
logstash_ssl_dir: /etc/pki/logstash
logstash_ssl_certificate_file: logstash-forwarder-example.crt
logstash_ssl_key_file: logstash-forwarder-example.key

To generate a self-signed certificate/key pair, you can use following role to generate ssl certs.
See [`avinash6784.openssl-certs`](https://github.com/avinash6784/ansible-role-openssl-certs) role to install and generate OpenSSL certs

**NOTE**: filebeat and logstash may not work correctly with self-signed certificates unless you also have the full chain of trust (including the Certificate Authority for your self-signed certs) added on your server. 
See: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/4926#issuecomment-203936891

# Configuration for local syslog file
logstash_local_syslog_path: /var/log/syslog
logstash_monitor_local_syslog: true


This role depends on avinash6784.oracle-java role. This is configured for ansible-galaxy install in requirements.yml. Also you may need to install elasticsearch, because in this role uses elasticsearch as a backend to stores the logs.(avinash6784.ansible-role-elasticsearch role)

NOTE: Requirements are installed as virtual user avinash6784 (avinash6784.oracle-java).

Be sure to install required roles with

ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml

Usage and Example Playbook

Install from Ansible Galaxy

$ ansible-galaxy install avinash6784.logstash

Or download manually

$ git clone https://github.com/avinash6784/ansible-role-logstash.git

The code should reside in the roles directory of ansible ( See ansible documentation for more information on roles ), in a folder ansible-role-logstash.

Run the playbook

First create a playbook including the git role, naming it test.yml.

- name: Install logstash
  hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - { role: ansible-role-elasticsearch }
    - { role: ansible-role-logstash }

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts test.yml

Author Informations

This role was created by Avinash Pawar.