
A single user app for tracking movies/tv shows.

Primary LanguageJava

Movie Tracker

Nothing fancy.Just the same old boring goodreads for movies.

 Movie Tracker Demo

Movie Tracker is a personal movie tracker webpage to track /review/rate movies/tv shows. This is aimed to provide a strictly personal movie tracker for individual use.

  • User can track movie & tv shows watched.
  • User can rate the movie/tv shows.
  • User can write personal reviews for each show.
  • Option to add multiple reviews (like a journal) for your favorite show.
  • WatchList to keep note of all movies/tvs that you are planning to watch.
  • Integration with TheMovieDB for additional movie information.

Real Reason

I wanted to play with Spring boot and angular. Also I like to journal personal reviews for movies/tv shows. Letterboxd is a wonderful app, but it started to push ads.IMDB/Letterboxd/TheMovieDb are good to share with people. I just wanted to have a personal app to track my movies.


Technology Version
UI Angular 8
UI Material UI
UI Font Awesome
UI High Charts
Back End JAVA/SpringBoot 8 /2.5

How to Build

The frontend & backend code are bundled together using maven front end plugin (thanks to the creator).

  • Clone the source
  • Build using maven mvn clean install
  • Run the package using java -jar movie-tracker-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dapi.key=<<api_key>>

Pre Requisites

  • Get an api key from themoviedb
  • Key can be given as argument -Dapi.key=<<api_key>>>>
  • Create a directory for h2 db. Pass the directory location as -Dh2.db.folder=<<directory_path>>