
We are trying to find the max-clique size in appropriately defined graphs (gcd graphs in this case) containing N vertices, where N is of the form p1M1p2M2. Here p1 and p2 are prime numbers. Also, without loss of generality we can consider p1 < p2

Construction of graph from given N and divisor set D

D is a list of divisors. Any element of D is of the form p1ap2b where 0<=a<M1 and 0<=b<M2. There exists a edge between vertices i and j iff gcd(i-j,N) is an element of D.

Description of the files

The main module is the maximum_clique_size.m . We have also written a script (maximum_clique_size_gcd.m) to catch out exceptions in which our algorihtm fails. We use NetworkX which is a python package to compute the max clique size accurately. Note that it's computational complexity is of exponential order. The failing test cases have been noted down in the exceptions text file.