
Experiments using Montreal Forced Aligner with Sanskrit Audio

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Experiments using Montreal Forced Aligner with Sanskrit Audio

Currently, there is a simple set of scripts to run the MFA aligner on a set of manually annotated shlokas from मेघदूतम्

Use the generated results

  1. Download and split the audio, along with creating some extra files for the Montreal Forced Aligner
pip install -r requirements.txt`
cd meghaduta
python create_mfa_files.py
  1. Download Praat
  2. Run Praat. Use Open -> Read from File (Ctrl+O) to load the textgrid file from the output dir and the corresponding audio from the generated train dir. Select both files and Click "View & Edit". The syllable level-alignment will be shown as in the screenshot below. Click on any text segment, and use Tab key to play the audio. For more information, see Praat Help. Praat Screenshot

More details regarding the alignment output can be found in the MFA docs

Recreate results

  1. Install Montreal Forced Aligner following the instructions. (I used the Windows Subsystem for Linux approach on my Windows desktop, with miniconda)
  2. Run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd meghaduta
python create_mfa_files.py
mfa train -o ./acoustic_model -t ./temp ./train dict.txt ./output
mfa align -t temp train/ dict.txt acoustic_model.zip output/

(Some recent versions of MFA leave the textgrids in temp/train_pretrained_aligner/pretrained_aligner/textgrids/. You may need to cp them into output)

This will generate the acoustic model and the alignments in the output dir in the TextGrid format. See instructions above for using this output.

Speech to text

To use the generated acoustic model to train a language model and use it for Speech to text, run the following commands. Note that the accuracy will be very low, since we trained on only 65 shlokas.

cd meghaduta
mfa train_lm train meghaduta_lm
mfa transcribe test dict.txt ./acoustic_model.zip ./meghaduta_lm.zip test_output