
Helper library to make your life easier using OAuth2 for PRAW

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


version supported license

prawoauth2 is a helper library which makes writing Reddit bots/apps using OAuth2 super easy and simple.


prawoauth2 comes with extensive documentation and is available on Read The Docs


pip install prawoauth2

Bots using prawoauth2

Feel free to fork and add link to your bot/project.


The mighty MIT License. Please check LICENSE for info.


SmBe19's praw-OAuth2Util and KissTheBlade_'s script were very helpful. These Reddit threads also helped me lot. Most of text in Installation is copied from Python Requests. Github user qevo has helped me generating docs.

First I started using praw-OAuth2Util, but I really did not like the way it was handling configurations and tokens. So, I forked and started using my fork. And later ended up writing my own. I am no longer maintaining the fork and I recommend using this library instead.