
Terraform project for demo infra

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This repository contains the files necessary to set up an Amazon EC2 Container Service infrastructure using Terraform, for use with Shippable Formations and the Aye Aye demo.

The Aye Aye demo consists of two services that run in containers:

  • A front-end web service
  • A back-end api service

This sample infrastructure establishes a public subnet with the following components:

  • 1 VPC and associated components (subnet, internet gateway, etc.)
  • ELB for web service accepting traffic on port 80
  • ELB for api service accepting traffic on port 80
  • 2 container instances (t2.micro)
  • IAM policy, role and instance profile
  • Security groups for accessing instances and load balancers

Instructions for setting up the Amazon ECS environment

  • Create a cluster in Amazon EC2 Container Service (this is really just naming your cluster)
  • Install the Terraform CLI on your machine
  • Fork this repo and clone to your local machine
  • cd to the /deploy/default directory on your machine
  • Gather the following information from your AWS account:
    • An Amazon Access Key ID and Secret Access Key with rights to install infrastructure
    • Amazon ECS cluster name that you'll register this infrastructure with (created above)
    • An Amazon Key Pair name (usable in the us-east-1 region if you will use Amazon ECR)
  • The scripts will default to creating the infrastructure in the us-east-1 region
    • If you'd like to change the region, either specify the value as an additional option on the command line (e.g. '-var region=eu-west-1') or change the default value in the default/variables.tf file
    • Note: you will have to have a key pair created in the region you specify for use in the command lines below.
  • Execute the following command to see what will be set up on AWS:
$ terraform plan -var aws_access_key_id=yourKeyId -var aws_secret_access_key=yourSecretKey -var aws_key_name=yourKeyPairName -var cluster_name=yourClusterName
  • Execute the following command to install the infrastructure:
$ terraform apply -var aws_access_key_id=yourKeyId -var aws_secret_access_key=yourSecretKey -var aws_key_name=yourKeyPairName -var cluster_name=yourClusterName
  • When you're ready to remove this infrastructure, run the following:
$ terraform destroy -var aws_access_key_id=yourKeyId -var aws_secret_access_key=yourSecretKey -var aws_key_name=yourKeyPairName -var cluster_name=yourClusterName

Warning: These actions will provision infrastructure on AWS and may incur costs.