The Avi Vantage Platform is built on software-defined architectural principles to create a centrally managed pool of distributed load balancers to deliver application services close to the applications.
This provider load balances Rancher services using Avi Vantage Platform Load Balancer. It uses REST API to update the Avi controller which enables the Avi Service Engines to load balance the Rancher Services.
- Deploy the stack for this provider from Rancher Community Catalog. While deploying, you need to give the username, password (optional, read below), Avi Controller IP address, Avi Controller Port, the Cloud name where Virtual Services and Pools are created.
- Create services in Rancher with public host port mapping and corresponding Virtual services are created in Avi. All CRUD operations on service get reflected in Avi Controller and Service Engine.
- You can scale out/in the service and the changes will get reflected on Avi Controller and Service Engine.
Optionally, you can use the Rancher Secrets to pass the Avi controller password instead of using environment variable.
- Run the Rancher Secrets service before deploying this provider stack.
- Create a secret named "avi-creds".
- While deploying the Avi provider stack, use the "avi-creds" secret for Avi Provider service.