Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis using machine learning
Implemented text analysis using machine learning models to classify movie review sentiments as positive or negative. Built using Python 3.6.1.
- Tuned CountVectorizer (1_gram) to get appropriate features/tokens and then transformed to obtain input variable (document term matrix).
- Splitted training test with test size of 20%
- Used the following models to train on training data.
- Naive Bayes
- Logistic Regression
- SVM (Support Vector Machine)
- KNN (K Nearest Neighbors)
- Tested models on test data and calculated accuracy of predictions
- The results were as follows:
- Naive Bayes: 98.9161849711%
- Logistic Regression: 99.3497109827%
- SVM: 99.0606936416%
- KNN: 98.6994219653%
- Analysed further by observing confusion matrix
- Used Naive Bayes model to observe the number of tokens (words) and the positivity/negativity associated with that word.
- Implemented searching of selected words in the pandas dataframe to analyse specific words in the feature sets
- Used the most accurate model (Logistic Regression) to train on the entire dataset. df
- Took custom review inputs and predicted Positive/Negative review.
Dataset Source (from Kaggle): "# sentimen_analisis" "# sentimen_analisis"