Pinned Repositories
ANalysed recent music trends using kaggle dataset of sptify music app. USed K-Means clustering to recommend new playlists according to music trends.
Implemented RSA Algorithm using C++ and with a novel way to optimize time needed and computational power needed according to the importance of message
Developed a bank account management system using emu8086
Developed a biometric safe system using arduino uno and various sensors. The system has two-layer security of voice recognition and fingerprint identification.
In this project we are making a system that will help with the identification of various colors present in any image. For this, the system will use python programming language along with libraries like OpenCV, PIL etc. The system that we are making uses the k-means clustering method to segregate various clusters of colors and show them as output. This system can use an image in any format as input and perform various functions on it to identify the colors present in the image. The system also forms contours and help us identify the shapes of various objects present in the image. This system can be made part of various drones which can then help determine the geographical features of various landscapes. This system can run on any hardware system with a python compiler. This system is also accompanied with a user-friendly GUI to make its processing understandable and easier.
Developed an Eye Colour Detection System using matlab
This Website enables users to express their symptoms and issues; with this they can consult a doctor online or offline. This application is fed with various symptoms and diseases associated.
Implemented a TOR Bridge and analysed its traffic.
The project provides a Tailor-made travel itinerary for users using their travel details like destination, budget, start and end dates of travel and their preferences of attraction categories, hotel amenities and cuisine type. Our project significantly reduces the time spent on planning for a satisfactory vacation.
Performed an analysis of various scheduling algorithms using various research papers. Also did comprison of them and concluded the best algorithm.
aviralgoyal2000's Repositories
Developed a biometric safe system using arduino uno and various sensors. The system has two-layer security of voice recognition and fingerprint identification.
Performed an analysis of various scheduling algorithms using various research papers. Also did comprison of them and concluded the best algorithm.
ANalysed recent music trends using kaggle dataset of sptify music app. USed K-Means clustering to recommend new playlists according to music trends.
Implemented RSA Algorithm using C++ and with a novel way to optimize time needed and computational power needed according to the importance of message
Developed a bank account management system using emu8086
In this project we are making a system that will help with the identification of various colors present in any image. For this, the system will use python programming language along with libraries like OpenCV, PIL etc. The system that we are making uses the k-means clustering method to segregate various clusters of colors and show them as output. This system can use an image in any format as input and perform various functions on it to identify the colors present in the image. The system also forms contours and help us identify the shapes of various objects present in the image. This system can be made part of various drones which can then help determine the geographical features of various landscapes. This system can run on any hardware system with a python compiler. This system is also accompanied with a user-friendly GUI to make its processing understandable and easier.
Developed an Eye Colour Detection System using matlab
This Website enables users to express their symptoms and issues; with this they can consult a doctor online or offline. This application is fed with various symptoms and diseases associated.
Implemented a TOR Bridge and analysed its traffic.
The project provides a Tailor-made travel itinerary for users using their travel details like destination, budget, start and end dates of travel and their preferences of attraction categories, hotel amenities and cuisine type. Our project significantly reduces the time spent on planning for a satisfactory vacation.
Developed a Music Record Database using MySQL and relational schema and ER- Diagram
Developed a basic personal portfolio website
Developed a system that took speech as input and displayed corresponding indian sign language as output.