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Autoscaling for opensource container platform.
It can be used as an extension for opensource kubernetes autoscaling and Ingress.
There is a need for autoscaling solution which is configurable, data driven, policy based, supports multi-cloud which can be configured with parameters other than CPU, Memory etc
Features: Kubernetes can only monitor the CPU & Memory Below solution can monitor various parameters like number of connections to HAProxy, load on HAProxy etc Can be extended to any application Dynamic Load Balancer configuration, any app can use it Solution is configuration based, no hard coding Container will get attached to load balancer based on ENV variable passed or docker label during run time Audit for autoscaling
Use cases: To scale the containers based on number of connection Autoscaling Rules Dynamic update of load balancer with newly provisioned containers Audit table for tracking the containers, timestamp, policy applied to understand the pattern
Connection to MySQL Database to read the policy rules
Connection to MongoDB to check for unprocessed records
Read the alerts for autoscaling
Get current datetime
Search for un processed records
Container frontend Rule
Get the Docker API details
TLS Configuration for accessing remote docker API using certs
Inspect the container to get docker label, cpu, memory, volume details required for docker run command
Read docker labels
Action copy it from alert notifications
Get the Autoscale policy based on docker label or Service Name. docker label will take the priority and then db configruation
##Policy Type: Service Availability
As part of Service Availability If service stops, start the service If service delete event, create new service from same image and pass docker labels from previous container Also check for how to allocate the ElastAlert Start the container if stopped and type = service availability
#Policy Type: Scale Up
Take the min, max dynamically. Based on if condition of stats. Check for Min Max value for number of container created against db as checking for container with same docker label in different VCH will be more cycle Or Check for Min Max value captured through ElastAlert portal. And check for
#Policy Type: Dynamic Load Balancer
Policy Type: Dynamic Load Balancer (HAProxy, Nginx or Traefik). Once application is scale upscale down, check how to connect to load balancer. Container should take care of connection LB dynamically based on label or API
Policy Type: Monitor the Load Balancer (HAProxy, Nginx, Traefik, Envoy) Response Time. Call above scale up & scale down application based on application alert. Above function can be reused
Logic: Capture the Service Name from Alert. Search for Container list using filter Label-service that Docker Label And apply the Scale Up & Scale Down policy
#Policy Type: Scale Down
Take the min, max dynamically. Based on if condition of stats Do the docker inspect using API to search for other scaled container based on label search, get container id and delete
Update the record in Autoscale History for Scale Down Tracking Update the Database for Audit purpose.
#Traefik: Load Balancer Scale Up
Count No of records Inspect the container to get the Docker Label, cpu, memory, volume details required for docker run commands Based on number of container with that service name scale up and scale down Insert the record in Autoscale History
#Traefik: Load balancer Scale Down
Count No of records Inspect the container to get the Docker Label, cpu, memory, volume details required for docker run commands Based on number of container with that service name scale down Insert the record in Autoscale History
#HAProxy Load balancer Scale Up
Inspect the container to get the Docker Label, cpu, memory, volume details required for docker run commands Get HAProxy label passed to Container Update the HAProxy Configuration Dynamically