
Exploratory project to extend Vertica with text search on data in ElasticSearch

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Extending Vertica with ElasticSearch

The purpose of this project is to extend the functionality of vertica with ElasticSearch's text search features. This is accomplished by writing Vertica User Defined Scalar Function in java that queries Elasticsearch when called in a sql SELECT statement. This is multi project that consists of 4 sub projects

  • VerticaVagrant - setup vertica and elasticsearch in vagrant
  • twitter-tools - streams a sample of public tweets from twitter-tools
  • vagrant - write tweets data into vertica and tweet text into elasticsearch
  • vertica-elasticsearch-udx - Defines the vertica UDx

Getting Started


  1. VirtualBox must be installed.
  2. Vagrant must be installed.
  3. You must have a twitter account.
  4. Get OAuth access tokens in order to establish a connection to the Streaming API

Setting up

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/Nillihc/VerticaElasticSearch.git

Change into VerticaVagrant directory

cd VerticaVagrant

Download vertica-8.0.0-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm and put it inside VerticaVagrant

Create and SSH into the vagrant machine

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Configure Elasticsearch server settings in file /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml by uncommenting cluster.name, node.name and network.host and replacing their default values with the following values.

cluster.name: tweets-cluster
node.name: tweets-node

In the vm, after vagrant ssh, you typically want to do things as dbadmin. You can, by

sudo su - dbadmin

Run vsql (the Vertica commandline client) and when prompted for a password enter mydatA6asepa55w0rd


Before running the project, navigate to /twitter-tools/src/main/java/twitterfetcher and in the class FetchTweets enter your OAuth access Tokens in the following fields

private static String oAuthConsumerKey = "YOUR-CONSUMER-KEY-GOES-HERE";
private static String oAuthConsumerSecret = "YOUR-CONSUMER-SECRET-GOES-HERE";
private static String oAuthAccessToken = "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-GOES-HERE";
private static String oAuthAccessTokenSecret = "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-SECRET-GOES-HERE";

In the Root directory VerticaElasticSearch run the following commands, kill the ./gradlew twitter-tools:run task if you're happy with the number of tweets

1. ./gradlew twitter-tools:run
2. ./gradlew vagrant:run
3. ./gradlew vertica-elasticsearch-udx:fatJar
4. ./gradlew vertica-elasticsearch-udx:scpJar 


after copying the UDSF jar to the vagrant machine it is ready to be deployed. In vsql run the following statements

1. ALTER DATABASE mydatabase JavaBinaryForUDx = 'usr/bin/java';
2. CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY myLib AS '/home/dbadmin/vertica-elasticsearch-udx-1.0.jar' LANGUAGE 'JAVA';
3. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION verticaWithEs AS LANGUAGE 'JAVA' NAME 'com.proj.udx.VerticaWithElasticSearchFactory' LIBRARY myLib;

All set and ready to run your SELECT statements. query president can be replaced with any query

select * from (SELECT id, verticaWithEs(id USING PARAMETERS query='president') AS text FROM mytable) as joint_result where text is not null;

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