
ExpressJS, Mongoose, Node, Passport, Image voting ranking rating backend API.

Primary LanguageHTML


ExpressJS, Mongoose, Node, Passport, Image voting ranking rating backend API.

The following is a general backend method to upload, rank, score, and comment on submissions to a challenge.


  • Express as the web application framework.
  • Node.js as the server platform.
  • Passport as the authentication middleware.
  • Jasmine as the testing framework.
  • Mongoose as the object modeler for Node.js.
  • MongoDB as the x-platform document based noSQL database.
  • Istanbul as the code coverage assessment tool


Each environment is found at a different route. This is to allow fast development without disturbing production. The environments are as such in the following table.

Env Type Domain Description
Dev quippics-dev.herokuapp.com Should be used to develop the latest version of the app
dev.quippics.us (preferred)
Test quippics-test.herokuapp.com Should be used for beta testing. Bugs should be fixed to prepare for prod
test.quippics.us (preferred)
Prod quippics-prod.herokuapp.com Should be used for production environment. Only changes at this point are for bug fixes
(Master) prod.quippics.us (preferred)


Each route takes the format of domain/version/route The route is located in the route documentation. The version differences are specified in each route. Route Example: dev.quippics.us/api/v1/register

Test Cases

Test cases are bundled into logical groups